Eat at Al’s?

By Ray Comfort

There were two men who owned restaurants. The name of one of the men was Evan. His restaurant was situated at the top of a high hill. Admittedly, it was hard to get to, but the cuisine was well worth it. His customers were full of praise for him, even saying his food was divine. His promise was “good food for the hungry soul.” There was one stipulation: his patrons had to wear clean clothing; such a demand was reasonable.

The second man’s name was Al. It was easy to get to his restaurant. There was no high hill to climb. In fact, it was downhill all the way to his door. Neither did you have to change clothing in order to be served. It was “Come as you are.” null Al boasted of infamous patrons such as Jack Kevorkian, Richard Ramirez and Jeffrey Dahmer,

Monastery Madness 2

I had a great interview with Brother Lawrence Harms, one of the monks at the monastery my wife and I visited. After I get it transcribed, you will be able to read it here—it was a very encouraging interview. I will also be writing about my other experiences up there, including my rattlesnake bite, the

Tract Trek 2 Slideshow

On July 23, I had about 60 people over to the house to enjoy pizza, pray, and walk on down to the Redondo Pier to experience first-hand the thrill of handing out Gospel tracts and sharing Christ with strangers. This was in the middle of the California heatwave, but we were all on-fire to warn