Evangelism Schedule

There is a change of plans. We were going to see Ray Comfort at the Huntington Pier this week, but he will be out of town. Instead, we will be going to the Redondo Beach Pier again to open-air preach, share 1-2-1, and hand out Gospel tracts.
null Meet at Hope Chapel at noon or at the Pier at 1:15. The Friday “Hour of Power” is now at 4:30; we will leave promptly at that time! For the entire April schedule, click here

Antagonizing the Atheists!

One of my strategies in getting the Gospel out to all creation is posting evangelistic videos to YouTube. Millions of people go to this website to view all sorts of videos, most with unredeeming messages. The current rage is “The Blasphemy Challenge” which encourages people to make videos of themselves blaspheming the Holy Spirit by

Espresso Shot

It was a simple greeting and a simple question. But a very strange reaction… Peet’s coffee is better than Starbuck’s, but since there isn’t one on every corner I patronize the place rarely. “Happy Good Friday!” I said cheerfully to the server at the counter. “Happy, uh, Good… Friday,” she replied haltingly. “Do you know