MY TATTOO WAS GOING TO BE A REALLY SMALL ONE that simply said, “Mat. 6:33,” the abbreviation for my life’s verse: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).

I wanted to be reminded of it, forever—in ink! It was going to be so very tiny and hidden on the underside of my wrist, that the only way anyone would ever notice was if I gave a high five right above their sight line or smacked them with on the forehead with my hand.
I was never, ever going to get one but my daughter DD convinced me. Yes, I blame her.
On her 17th birthday she begged me for a tattoo. I said no.
“Please, Dad?”
A week later: “Dad?” Please?
A week and a half later….
It went on like that for several more months—begging, cajoling, nagging—did I mention that she was a teenager?—until I relented and called the tattoo parlor (do they still call them that?). Much to my delight, the law said you cannot get a tattoo in the great, awesome State of Texas until one is eighteen years of age. Strike a victory for Parental Rights!
Figuring she would eventually forget about it, I let it go with a smile in my heart, thanking God that this body-art desire phase would soon pass, all the while hoping she would not take a secret road trip to Nevada with her ne’er do well high school friends. You know who you are.
She didn’t forget.
On her 18th birthday I lost my right of refusal; DD was now an adult. She could vote, join the military and even get a…a…dreaded tattoo. “Hey Dad, are you gonna get one with me?”
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Sharing Your Faith with One Question. Only.
It is possible to share your faith using Gospel tracts by asking one question and one question only. Seriously. All you have to do is make this query using a six-word question, then run away. When you ask it, the person will receive all the information they need to go to Heaven if they choose. That’s right. Contained in that 6-word question is the possibility that a person will hear about how they have sinned, how they will face God on Judgment Day, the possibility of Hell and the redemption God offers through his son, Jesus. Too good to be true? Read on….
Sharing Your Faith w/One Question. Only. (A short, fun teaching)
(Note: These are sermon notes from teachings I have given over the years. Adapt them however you like.)
Mark 16:15: Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.
Bill Bright: 2% of Christians share their faith.
Think about it: How many of you have had a born again Christian share with you about Jesus over two times in the past five years?
Paul wrote this in Philemon 6 (NIV ’84): “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”
The Living Bible: And I pray that as you share your faith with others it will grip their lives too, as they see the wealth of good things in you that come from Christ Jesus. (Explain)
I have found, after being an evangelism pastor for over 10 years at my other church, that people have many reasons for not sharing their faith.
Take a look at this video and see if you can relate to any of these?
While I’m sure that some of these eight reasons might be yours, I think we could narrow them down to just two: fear and not knowing what to say.
But what if I showed you a way in which you could share your faith by asking only one question and one question only? Do you think you might be able to do it?
I’m not joking. All you have to do is ask one simple question…then run away.
But after you have asked this question, people will then understand God’s standard for getting to Heaven, the consequences if they fall short of His standard, and the solution through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection on their behalf. They may even thank you after you ask this question, too!
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