(Read parts 1-5 with succeeding links by clicking here.)
Last week I wrote about how I totally blew it on Hollywood Boulevard.
I was demonstrating to the students attending an evangelism bootcamp put on by Ray Comfort’s ministry, the importance of open air preaching in the midst of distractions. As I started to preach John Travolta showed up; to my shame, I jumped off my preaching stool to give him a tract (read about it here). Little did I know that one of the students, Dennis Feely, was videotaping the whole sordid affair. So, to minimize the damage to my reputation, I thought I’d let you see it before the National Enquirer got a hold of it (you only need to see the first minute). I want to just get it out in the open. (Sadly, the video was taken down….)
Thanks a lot Dennis. I owe you, buddy. Big time.
Steve Sanchez
Jeremy Renzi