The “180” Movie at Hope Chapel

We are setting up a table tonight during our four services at Hope Chapel that will display the “180” movie (click here to see it). We purchased a 1,000 copies and will be offering it for sale for one buck. Our hope is that many congregants will buy a quantity and give them to their pro-choice friends.

We will show a two minute promo before the service to whet the appetite of those who have not yet heard about this award winning film.

We have also set up a little “Honor System” box for those who buy the DVD. This film is the most important resource that Ray Comfort’s ministry has ever created. Not only does it have the potential to save souls, but also may save millions of babies’ lives when their mothers do a “180” in their thinking about abortion.

The “180” Movie Internet Missionary (and how you can be one, too!)

There are lots of ways that you can be an Internet Missionary and get the word out about the powerful new 180 movie which has the potential to save millions of pre-born lives. (The film is posted at the end of this article.) Help the film go viral in many different ways, one of which the man below is doing. (And a big thanks to the atheist who sent me this photo which inspired me to write this article.)

What’s he doing? Well, after hearing from my friend John on Facebook it turns out that he’s NOT clicking on the link to the film many times which increases the viewership ratings, which puts the video at the top of search engines and will hopefully be featured on YouTube’s home page. It’s actually wallpaper which reminds us to get the word out about this film to as many people as possible. (As of this posting there are more than 4000,000 visits to the video since it debuted last Sunday.)

You can also do these other things if you are against abortion and love babies, both born and pre-born:

Evangelism Adventure: Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair (and our lawyer’s letter)

This is the last street fair of the year, and believe it or not, we usually encounter a little trouble when passing out tracts here. Even though it is protected speech, the police and organizers aren’t aware of that fact. Just to make sure that they are aware, we contacted our lawyer and had him send a friendly “reminder” letter apprising them of our First Amendment Rights. This worked wonderfully when it was sent to the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Police Dept. before we went to that city’s street fair to evangelize. Will it work this time, too? Find out by joining us at Hope Chapel at noon where we will gather together to carpool.

Read a sample portion of the firm but gentle letter from our lawyer: