Yes, Virginia, I’m Still Preaching!

As I continue to transition my life from Southern California pastoring/street preaching to southwest Texas church planting, you may be wondering if I’ve fallen off the evangelistic bandwagon.

Perish the thought!

I’ve spent the majority of my time posting my evangelistic adventures on Facebook (Steve P. Sanchez), Instagram (stevepsanchez), and Twitter (@stevepsanchez). For the record, here’s what you missed:

I posted this image a week ago when I preached for the very last time with Ray Comfort and elicited a firestorm of controversy on Facebook.

Here was the caption: Should she preach? If she didn’t, the Gospel would not have been proclaimed, sinners wouldn’t hear, and many would have been deprived a fighting chance for Heaven in Newport Beach.

At present, this is my record-breaker at 253 comments.

Another post featured my debut/farewell on a gold plated preaching box presented to me at my going away party at Hope Chapel. I was able to tell others how they may enter into a city that is paved in gold.

Then I posted about the Mormons I met in Starbucks. Did you know that they don’t like to be photographed?

Here’s what happened, as I explained on Facebook:  These Mormons made a quick exit when I challenged them “to show me in the Bible where it says that.” I disagreed with their belief that we are all children of God and that Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer, among other things. They said, “You have a contentious spirit.” I replied, “I am commanded to contend for the faith.” They left when I warned them that it would be better that a millstone be tied around their necks than to cause these little ones to stumble. But I said it in love.

So don’t worry, I’m out on the street. Evangelism is just not my main priority anymore, it’s now a normal way of life… as it should be for every Christian.

*If you want to find out what the photo below showing my new haircut and an Iranian man has to do with evangelism,  you’ll just have to “Friend” me on Facebook!

Comments (1)

  1. Eric Stefan


    Well it looks like I missed the firestorm, but I always think of the woman in the John 4 who ran into the city and testified to the people in the city about Jesus. If she never spoke up about her meeting with Jesus, then the people of the city would not have been impacted as we read in John 4:39-42, 39Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.” 40So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days. 41And many more believed because of his word. 42They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

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