I love the gay community. So much so, I want them to hear the Gospel. Here’s a compilation of many encounters I’ve had with these people.
I’m featuring a few past posts demonstrating how I, as a Christian man and evangelist, have dealt with our gay, lesbian, transgender, and bi-sexual friends.
- The Shepherd of Brokeback Mountain is an encounter I had at Starbucks with a gay barista.
- The Not-So-Great Prop 8 Debate details my intervention in a no-holds-barred shout-fest on the campus of El Camino College between supporters and opponents of this California amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman only.
- Inside the Mind of a “Radical Sign Guy” chronicles a conversation I had with a man named Reuben Israel who takes a very different approach to sharing his faith with the homosexual community. For the record, I believe he’s in error. Judge for yourself.
- The Gay-Straight Alliance and Me shows how I developed a friendship with
the homosexual community by speaking the truth in love.
- The Man Called Lena is an account about my daughters being awakened to the fact that there are many different gender identities on a college campus.
- The Gay Pride Parade Evangelistic Adventure is a 7 part report showing how the evangelism team employed a creative strategy for reaching the lost at the 39th Annual West Hollywood Pride Parade.
I hope you will be encouraged, as you read these posts, to be more loving in a straight-forward and gentle way by speaking the truth more boldly. And never be silent about the Savior!
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez