Why I Can Never Vote For a Democrat

A WOMAN ASKED ME IF I, AS A PASTOR, GOT INVOLVED IN POLITICS. The pastor at her church refused to talk about political issues and discouraged congregants from doing the same. I assured her that I thought it was a Christian Pastor’s mandate to involve themselves in the issues of the day.

There are many important matters, but all pale in comparison to one issue, legalized abortion, and because of this, I can never vote for a liberal, nor a Leftist, nor a Democrat.

Let’s compare that one issue with the rest of the Left’s concerns this campaign season:

A “living wage” means nothing when one can always afford to kill the living.

An open border policy is a hollow goal when baby humans cannot pass beyond the border of the womb.

Healthcare for all means nothing at all, when the weakest and most vulnerable of all, get none at all, not even the right to live at all.

Stricter firearm laws will never save the pre-born, who die at the hands of those carrying no guns at all.

Gender politics, intersectionality, LGBTQ rights and policies against racism are nothing if not hypocritical when female, black and minority babies are killed more frequently in the womb than any other innocent person.

Equality for all should include all people, no matter how small.

Justice begins in the womb. Women’s health begins in the womb. You began in the womb.

Everyone should have a right to vote, even when it’s 18 years in the future.

Perhaps marijuana should be legalized so that we can forget the tragedy of America’s holocaust which ignores the least of these.

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