I just preached a sermon to four services over the weekend called “8 Excuses,” based on the popular (and very funny video) “Eight Reasons Why I Don’t Share my Faith.”
The 8 “reasons” are:
8. I might get beat up
7. I won’t make sense
6. I might be made fun of
5. I won’t know how to start
4. I’ll be a bad witness
3. I’ll say the wrong thing
2. I’ll be a religious nut
1. I don’t know enough
I covered the first four excuses and will do the remaining four next weekend when I preach part two. Some other excuses I’ve heard are:
- “I’m working on my house”
- “I don’t care”
- “It’s not my gift”
My question: What other excuses have you heard from Christians on why they don’t share their faith? I want to include a few more to make sure that I cover all the bases.
(As soon as the online version of my sermon is available, I’ll post it!)
Paul Latour
Tom Nance-Ulrich
Steve Rollins