Here’s an article from the March 24, 2006, edition of The Minnesota Daily, which I found from an atheistic science blog called “Science Ouch” (see below).
Here’s my question to you: Do you think that America’s level of trust for atheists has grown or lessened in the 2 1/2 years since this article was written?
Atheists are America’s least trusted group, according to a national survey conducted by University sociology researchers.
Based on a telephone survey of more than 2,000 households and in-depth interviews with more than 140 people, researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, homosexuals and other groups as “sharing their vision of American society.”
Americans are also least willing to let their children marry atheists.
“It tells us about how Americans view religion,” said Penny Edgell, an associate sociology professor and the study’s lead researcher. “Many Americans seem to believe some kind of religious faith is central to being a good American and a good person.” Read the rest by clicking here!
Robert Perry
Steve Sanchez
debra flores
Robert Perry
Rightous Richard