By the time you read this, our team will be finished handing out 2,600 books written by that famous Imagineer, Charles Darwin on the campus of the University of Southern California. Of course, there is a special 50 page introduction to “The Origin of Species” written by Ray Comfort detailing the foolishness of Darwin’s theory and how it influenced Hitler to do his evil work. Also included is the the Law and Gospel.
170,000 of these books are to be handed out at 100 of the top universities in the U.S. today instead of the original date of November 19th. Atheists got wind of our plan and organized massive groups of people on Facebook and other places to oppose this effort. The Pope of atheism, Richard Dawkins even encouraged students to rip out the first 50 pages! So a couple of months ago, Ray Comfort changed the date to a day earlier, but didn’t publicize it. In fact, only members of the giveaway knew about the changed date.
How will this all turn out? Tune in tomorrow. Or listen to WretchedRadio right now!
Steve Sanchez