Them: Hey Steve! What was the name of your blog?
Me: Ev Tales dot com
Them: EB Tales dot com?
Me: No. EV Tales dot com.
Them: Oh. I got it. IVY Tales dot com.
Me: EV… E-V! Tales dot com!
Them: Ohhh. EV Tails dot com…
Me: E-V-T-A-L-E-S dot com!!! E! V! TALES! TALES! EVTALES dot com!!! Ya got it? Huh? Huh?
Them: Why did you have that dumb old name, Veggie Tales, anyways?
That’s why I changed the name of this site.
That… and because is funnier.
(If you can’t see the new design, you will have to clear the cache on your browser.)
Paul Latour
Steve Sanchez
Val Scott
Rob Cox
chantel facer
A Soldier for Jesus