“Righteous Richard’s” Porta-Potty Preaching Debut!

“Righteous Richard” made his Porta-Potty preaching debut at the USC vs. Notre Dame game last Saturday. Unfortunately, he positioned himself down wind, but was still able to preach the fragrance of the knowledge of him.

Quite a few people were lined up eagerly awaiting a word of encouragment, especially the Notre Dame fans, who really have no hope. Since our mission is to make the most of every opportunity, we do so, providing hope, real hope, wherever and whenever we can. A quick poll of the crowd revealed that many don’t go to church, so we are actually providing a service to the hopeless.

At one point a man came right up to Richard, stood in the corner next to one of the Porta-Potties, hunkered down, and bowed his head. Was it conviction? Was he mourning because of what he had just heard from the Law? Was he ready to repent? Uh… not exactly. He couldn’t wait in line anymore and availed himself of the wall. “What are you doing?” asked Richard. “Don’t do that here!”

“I’m a Christian and there’s nothing in the Bible that says I can’t,” he replied, offended.

“But what about your witness?” Richard pleaded. Ignoring the rudeness of this fellow “brother,” Richard continued his preaching, downwind, oblivious to the sneers and faux Hallelujahs! from the Porta-Potty participants—and the ever present stench.

“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.” ( 2 Corinthians 2:15-16)

Comments (3)

  1. Paul Latour


    If I came down to your neck of the woods and got you to teach me how to properly open air at these portable “go” units, would that be considered potty- training ?? 🙂

  2. Paul


    That was a bit of an unhelpful joke about the Notre Dame fans. I look forward to hearing more about the preaching. And the pre-parade preaching!! I’m encouraged by Richard’s example of sticking in there and preaching anyway.

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