Pulling the Post

I just pulled a post: It dealt with handing out tracts and mumbling as as you do it; people will wonder what you are saying and take the tract. It was meant as a light-hearted way to share your faith, but some took offense, so I deleted it. It is a delicate balance to present evangelism with an edge AND a sense of humor.

So until tomorrow’s posting, enjoy this video from Living Waters University on how to talk to an agnostic.


Comments (2)

  1. Rob Cox


    Thank you Pastor for pulling that. When I saw your picture and what the blog was about, I guess it really hit home for me.

    Growing up, people would make fun of my uncle and people like that who struggle to get a word out and their faces would get all contorted, their tongues would flip and flop struggling to get a word out.

    I know you meant it as a light-hearted way to pass out tracts and that you didn’t mean it as making fun of anybody.

    Sorry for making a fuss.

    Thank you and God Bless.

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