It was game 7 of the NBA Finals, Lakers Vs. Celtics, and here was the million dollar question: “If you died today, would you go to Lakers Heaven or Boston Hell?”
The evangelism team had preached everywhere on the property of the STAPLES Center with no interference whatsoever (click here to see). That is, until an overzealous officer from the LAPD told me I couldn’t preach using a sound system. I gently protested: “You are the first one, after all these guys [referring to the other officers of L.A.’s finest], who said we couldn’t do that. You’re the first one after all these guys….” The officer replied with a smile, “Someone has to step up.”
What’s an evangelist to do? Comply, of course. The guy with the gun always wins (see my article here). I continued to preach using only my voice. You determine which was the more peaceful method.
(Thanks to Chris Yarsab, who, unbeknown to be, recorded the whole thing.)
Tom Nance-Ulrich
Thomas Moore
Steve Sanchez
Chris Yarzab
John McGlone
Paul Latour