Summary of the second presidential debate: Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Neither candidate actually called his opponent a liar, instead, they used politically correct terms like: distorting the truth, not quite accurate, patently false. Each side will have their fact checkers discredit the statements of their opponent, but there is one fact that NOBODY will check. Near the end of the debate, Mitt Romney proclaimed, “I believe we are all children of the same God.”
Cue the crickets.
There is little doubt that conservative Christian voices will attack Pres. Obama’s falsehoods about Planned Parenthood, Libya and drilling, but it is a safe bet that not one evangelical group will even think about pointing out the biggest deception of the night, Mitt Romney’s horrific theology. How do I know? Because Mitt Romney made the same statement at the first debate and not a peep was uttered by evangelical Romney cheerleaders.
To state that we are all children of the same God is bad theology for a Mormon, but for a Christian, that should have been the most troubling statement of the evening. Yet, it will go unchecked, unchallenged and uncorrected because Evangelicals, as a whole, are far more concerned about winning Washington than defending the truth.
Mitt Romney’s heresy was more sinful than anything Barack Obama uttered during the debate. Does this mean that we cannot vote for Mitt Romney? Nope. It means that the majority of evangelicals are more concerned about reclaiming America than they are in contending for the faith given once for all time.
“Reclaim America” Christians may win this political battle, but they will lose the theological war.
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve L.
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez