Has this happened to you yet while preaching the Gospel in our free country?
The second time Romanus preached the living God, the Lord Jesus Christ His well-beloved Son, and eternal life through faith in His blood, Asclepiades commanded the tormentors to strike Romanus on the mouth, that his teeth be knocked out, so that his speaking would be impaired. The order was obeyed, his face was beaten with fists, his eyelids torn with nails, his cheeks cut with knives; the skin of his beard was plucked little by little from the flesh; finally, his handsome face was wholly defaced. The meek martyr said, “I thank you, O Prefect, that you have opened many mouths, where now I may preach my Lord and Savior Christ. Look! How many wounds I have, so many mouths I have lauding and praising God!” –From “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs” by John Foxe
Nameless Cynic