This 14 second video has gotten over 1,600,000 viewings! One version received over 80 million!!!
Why in the world would I post this video on an evangelism blog? For the answer, see below…
Why would I post this cute, darling, adorable, cuddly YouTube vid to this blog? Here’s the reason:
Maybe a few more people will visit.
Yes, I admit it. I’d love to have more people sample this site, but I’m not naive. I understand that an evangelism blog has a very limited audience; here’s why:
- Bill Bright has stated that 2% of Christians share their faith. Out of those 2% most are repelled by biblical evangelism because they don’t understand it, dismissing it as too harsh and judgmental. I don’t expect them to visit.
- Of those who do share their faith in a biblical manner—those that understand that using the Law, the 10 Commandments, is the most effective way for sinners to understand why they are going to Hell and need a Savior—even they eventually lose their zeal (for the most part) and don’t want to be reminded of the urgency of this irksome task, which is the whole purpose of this blog. I don’t expect them to visit that often.
- The other 98% of Christians will not be interested in this type of site because they are too concerned with other things: potlucks, choir practice, weddings, family rearing, life. All good things, important things, of course, but shouldn’t evangelism be included? I expect them to stumble on this site accidentally then quickly click out and get on over to GodTube.
- Non Christians (the non-atheist kind) will not understand why this site needs to exist. It’s a waste of time. Stupid. They won’t visit again.
- Atheists will visit for a limited time and only because they want to ridicule this writer and his faith. Eventually they, too, will leave in frustration due to his fundamentalist, narrow-minded, Stone-Age thinking. I expect them to visit haphazardly.
But I’m stuck. I can’t write with passion about anything else! I must encourage believers to take the step and experience the great adventure that is Biblical evangelism. There is nothing else I can do, so I’ll just have to be satisfied with my limited audience.
Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen.
Still, a cute video never hurts every now and then. Even if I am…
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