Million $ Moments: Bogged

This is Polly, a helper at the Evolution Museum, commonly known as the L.A. Museum of Natural History. We had just finished an exhibit called “The Bog People,” about a bunch of pagans that sacrificed humans to their gods. Afterward, we talked to Paula, a docent for the exhibit. We gave her a million dollar

Anniversary Break

I will be celebrating 10 wonderful years of marriage to my wife on Thursday. Since I’m on vacation too, the postings might be a little lean. Keep checking in though! “When you get married, you die to yourself. When you have kids, you bury yourself.”

Happy Dependence Day

The Fourth of July reminds me of the dependence I have on Christ to sustain me, to teach me and to tranform me. I hope I will always remain dependent on Him. I’m also reminded that we live in a great country—independent from other foreign powers—and that we have the freedom to worship God freely

Eternity of Ruin

Here’s a comment posted by Jessica Smith on the post below, “Day of Ruin”, about the proper perspective we need to have when reaching out to the lost: This is an issue I stuggle with most when evangelizing strangers: ruining their day. Last week I approached two men working on an old car, laughing and

I Can’t Take it Anymore!

I preached a sermon a while back that emphasized why and how to use the 10 Commandments when evangelizing. Here is one response from a man, Bert Rivera, who wants to do something about Jesus’ command to “GO!” To get an opposite response, scroll down and read the next entry.

Steve, I’ve been a member of Hope Chapel since 2001. My daughter and I listened to your sermon this Sunday morning. We laughed, I wept at times and I for maybe the 3rd or 4th time in my Christian life, I feel God is trying to get through to me… He wants me to get off my self-satisfied, middle class
behind and obey him… my daughter and I have been handing out a few million dollar bills since the first time you preached on this (a month ago), but I have only really talked to ONE person about the text on the bill.