Evangelism Tips from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade

We tried something new at our local St. Patrick’s Day parade—and it was highly effective: Hand out tracts and preach to the people who will be marching in the parade before it starts! At most small town parades people don’t arrive until about 15 minutes beforehand. So, you may as well do something constructive with your evangelism team while you wait…

…like preach to the beer ad marchers. That’s what “Mad Mike” Stockwell did (at my urging).

As you can see they were held in rapt attention, barely able to stand upright before dropping to their knees in repentance.

You can also climb aboard the ubiquitous double-decker bus that is in every parade—and hand out tracts to the riders (like “Mad Mike” Stockwell did—on his own initiative.

You can also do more creative things, like these…