More on Bible Waving Open Air Preachers

A few weeks ago I patiently explained how waving a Bible while preaching in the open air might not be a good idea: Bibles are a turn off to the average “sinner” in this post-modern, anti-Christian culture.

Here’s what I wrote (Read the whole article here.):

…I want to reach my crowd and there is something about a guy waving a Bible around that builds fences around sinners’ hearts and minds before they even hear what I’m saying. I prefer to lure them in with some humor, trivia, interesting statistics, then WHAMMO!, they hear the Law and Gospel. I don’t want to blow my cover that I’m a Christian until it’s too late—for them.

I posted this at The School of Biblical Evangelism website forum (run by the Way of the Master). Here are some of the comments I received from other evangelists, typos and all:

monkeyboynathan said: I don’t want to ‘lure’ anyone… I want the Holy Spirit to draw people to hear the preaching of the Gospel, not me and my craftiness…

Eric said: I’d have to agree with Monkeyboy here on this. I’ve never Open Aired yet, but I wouldn’t want to “lure” anyone either. Its one thing to grab folks attention, but its another to presume to be “street entertainment” vs. an OA preacher. I say let the people know what you’re talking about up front. It doesn’t have to be all “secret agent man”-like.

faversphil419: um you dont want to blow your cover. why are you hiding that your a christian?

Climbermo said: I think what he means is when people see some guy waving the Bible around and shouting (and they can’t hear him yet so they assume he is being angry and crazy and mean) they are less likely to come closer to actually hear what you are saying and perceive you as an actual fellow human being who has something valuable to say.