Happy Reformation Day!
Here is a rare image of Martin Luther nailing a tract to the doors of a church in Wittenberg, Germany (the Million Dollar indulgence tract had not yet been invented). Shortly thereafter, he stood on a milkcrate and preached at traffic signals where he was castigated by other Christians for being too zealous.
On October 31, 1517, one man did something outrageous: He challenged those who misrepresented the man who did something outrageously wonderful 2000 years ago.
Because of one man’s convictions, the rest of us have the privelege—and freedom—to tell others that they can go directly to God without charge or priest! The assumption is, of course, that people will tell others…
Read more about Reformation Day here:
A “Fireproof” Testimony
There’s something strange about seeing a movie in a public theatre where the name of Jesus is said with respect. It’s rather odd to see Christians portrayed as loving, respectful people. And it’s pretty wonderful when you hear an unabashed Christian witness explained on the silver screen. But that’s what you get when you pay to
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