Atheist Tuesday: Sound and Fury, Pt. 1

I have to wonder. It perplexes me. I’m somewhat confused. Help me to understand.

Why, if there is no God, as the atheist, unbeliever, rationalist, evolutionist, cynic proclaims, do some of them get so angry when Christians state the plain facts truthfully that there is One? Why are they so darn mean and angry when we explain plainly that He has a standard that He will judge everyone by? And why are they so, so, undiplomatic and tactless when explaining their (erroneous) point of view?

Periodically, I like to review some of the comments made by unbelievers as they view some of my YouTube videos. I’m truly amazed at the bile they spew in my (and Ray Comfort’s) direction, when all I’m doing is espousing a contrary view to theirs.

Here are some random sample comments from videos I’ve posted over the last year:

In response to my video
“Ray Comfort Thanks the Atheists”

From aaron4820: nice career you’ve got going on here…. you know you’re full of expletive, we all know you’re full of expletive, but the idiots who follow you and buy your expletive believe in you! nice one, keep up the good work feeding off stupid people, and it’s not like you’re going to hell for such immortal behaviour, because let’s face it, we both know there’s no hell, or heaven for that matter.

From eatingfatty: I would have punched him in the mouth for saying that Charles Darwin would be a great imagineer. This man is a fool, nothing but a fool.

From Patambo2000: Estos dos hombres son unos estupidos!

Atheist Tuesday: The Trickiest Questions

“What about all those people who never heard of Jesus, like people in Africa? Do they go to Hell just because they never heard of Him?”

Those are the Trickiest Questions, and they are usually asked by people who don’t want to consider their dismal eternity. Please read this article by my friend Tony Yu that explains this more clearly. Then read how I answer this question when it’s posed to me.

True or False: You mean I’m going to Hell just because I don’t believe in Jesus?

The correct answer is “false”.

If you said “true” you have fallen for one of the most subtle deceptions. Please read on before you label me a heretic and a blasphemer.

Atheist Tuesday: The Devil’s Disciples?

O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still.

See how your enemies are astir, how your foes rear their heads.

With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. (Psalm 83: 1-3)

They don’t know it. They’d never believe it. They’ll laugh it off and shrug.

Their deeds are evil; so, too, their thoughts. Every inclination of their hearts, in fact, are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.

Yes, dear Christian friend, most unbelievers on this blog aim to do you harm. Great harm.

Insidious plots are afoot. Devious motives with horrible consequences are in the workings of the non-believing minds who gives no thought to God.

Is there an explanation for this, some proof perhaps?

Of course there is. I wouldn’t make such declarative statements off the top of my head without evidence….