Atheist Q & A: Is EVANGELISM a good thing and is it really effective?

An atheist named LOGICAL asked: “I have a question for you. Why do you see evangelism as such a good thing? It seems to me that you would want people to find religion (particularly yours) on their own, so that there would be no question about their faith. Because to me, and this is only from my observation and could be interpreted as opinion, it seems like you and many other evangelical preachers are trying to scare people towards Christianity with threats of eternal damnation and torture through hell.”

My answer: I see evangelism as a good thing because God sees it as a good thing. Christians are commanded to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul writes: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Chapter 10)

So, not only is evangelism a good thing, but those who do it have beautiful feet! (And I’m telling you, I’ve got some nasty looking toes.)

It’s also a good thing to warn those who are ignorant about an afterlife because it isn’t  Heaven for everyone, and it’s never just “in the ground” at death.

My First “200,000+ Views” YouTube Video

It’s baaaa-aack!

I cannot believe that this video continues to get over a thousand hits  a day, but I’m really glad because the Gospel gets preached—three times in a scant four minutes—to my target audience: unbelievers!


  • Over 11,000 people have left comments (mostly, really nasty ones, so be warned.)
  • 6,577 dislikes
  • I believe the interviewee is still unsaved.

Why would I post a video that makes me look bad? Why am I proud that so many have watched it? Simply put, the Gospel is preached. But I have other reasons:

Angry Atheist Hates “Sudden Death” Posts!

I recently banned an atheist from my blog for excessively rude and nasty language. He contacted me via my personal email and you can read it below. Following is my gracious response and condition for restoration which I hope he accepts.

You can censor me from your blog. Big deal. You’re still scum. You’re still a ghoul. You’re still a member of a death cult. You care nothing about that boy and its toll on his family. You only care about reinforcing your own beliefs and your twisted theology. It’s that simple. And I know what they are going through. I just hope none of them had to read your vile [vile curse word deleted]. You and [Ray] Comfort and [Tony] Miano are the same. You all disgust me.

“Lester Ballard” AKA Rufustfirefly

And here’s my response to Lester/Rufustfirefly:

Thanks for your response. I’m sorry that you are so angry with my Sudden Death posts.