Postage-Paid Preaching

I hate those credit card applications that come in the mail. I get lots of them— three, five, six or more in a week! What can a consumer who wants to stay debt free do? I’ve called the “Do Not Mail” list to no avail—Visa and Mastercard and American Express just keep on sending more.

Rear Window Witness

GET EVEN WITH TAILGATERS AND BACKSLIDERS! This sure beats a fish on the bumper or the “Jesus Loves You” sticker on the trunk lid, or the “God is my co-pilot” sign on the dashboard, or the “In case of rapture, this car will be empty” license plate holder, etc. (Thanks to Anna “Banana” Jackson for

GodTube Evangelism

Last week I explained the importance of posting evangelistic videos to YouTube, but there’s another unique opportunity: GodTube. Why? It’s a great way to show the non-evangelizing Christian how to witness, it convicts the backsliders, fakers, and religious hypocrites; and these videos encourage those who are faithful to Jesus’ command to “Go!” I was surprised

EV Tips: GO AND MAKE _________!!!

The motto of every evangelism class that I teach is: “Go and make _______!!!” Fill in the last word. Disciples, right? Wrong. Go and make mistakes! Jesus said to “Go!” but He didn’t tell us how, per se; so we need to be bold, adventurous, risk-takers. Go ahead, make that foolish error that offends someone.

OOOOPS! Try this Tract Instead

Two weeks ago I featured a story about how Anna (Banana) Jackson witnesses inside a local Starbucks with management’s permission. I provided a link for a “Coffee Trivia” tract but there was a problem: the tract said “Coffee TriVA“. If you’d like to download the new and improved “Coffee TriVIA” tract with the correct spelling,