Evangelism Destinations for June

Saturday, June 5: Redondo Beach Pier—Meet at Hope Chapel at Noon, eat pizza, pray and then go out and share our faith. We leave promptly at 12:30 pm, returning by 4:30 pm.

Saturday, June 12: PV Street Fair—Meet at Hope Chapel at Noon, eat pizza, pray and then go out and share our faith. We leave promptly at 12:30 pm, returning by 4:30 pm.

Sunday, June 13: West Hollywood Gay Pride Parade—Meet at Hope Chapel at SPECIAL TIME 9:00 am, pray and then go out and share our faith. Parade begins at 11:00AM, returning by 3:30 PM

American Idol Finale

We’re going to the American Idol Finale for the third year in a row on Wednesday morning to preach to the line of people waiting to get their tickets. Will there be anybody there? Will we be harassed? Anticipation is part of the allure of these outings…. Read what happened in 2008 when we encountered