Tools: Dr. Zilch Books

If you are on a plane, train or automobile with the unsaved, this is a great way to break the ice and get a laugh before starting an evangelistic conversation. I like to tell the unsuspecting unsaved that this is the best book for the scientific proof for evolution that I’ve ever read, then I

EV TIPS: The Big IF!

When I teach my evangelism class these questions always come up when it comes to verbally sharing our faith: What should you do when someone doesn’t believe in God? How do you handle a person who says that they just go in the ground when they die? What if they insist that God will not


Those of you who are sharing your faith verbally know that one of the questions we ask the unsaved is: “Have you ever told a lie?” Don’t just limit that question to pagans! A preacher finished the service one morning by saying, “Next Sunday, I am going to preach on the subject of liars. As

Martyrs: Caught Red Handed

Has this happened to you for handing out a Gospel tract or Bible lately? Five evangelists were arrested in the Maldives for spreading, “religious propaganda of the Christian religion” along the roads of Male. According to a VOM News source, the five men had translated the Bible into their language and were distributing copies throughout