If you live near Austin, Texas, or reside in the lesser 49, we want to invite you to our first Austin Pride Outreach and Training on August 27.
There will be a two hour training before the parade at 4:00PM here:
Austin Baptist Association
3811 Harmon Ave, Austin, TX 78751
We will drive/carpool to the parade immediately afterward. It is vital that we get to the parade at least 90 minutes ahead of time to get tracts into the hands of parade-goers before it starts.
For a helpful list of resources in dealing with the gay community, I have blogged over 40 articles/videos that will help educate you on how to be a sensitive communicator. Click here to access them.
We are not going there to condemn, judge, or shake fingers in people’s faces. Our purpose is to communicate the love of Jesus Christ without compromising the message, but, doing so in a tactful and forthright manner.
The best tract to use
at a parade is the Giant Money tract. Everyone should have at least 200 of these with them. I will order a quantity. Each person should contribute $15 for the tracts. See how easy it is to use them in this video:
I will also provide free trillion dollar bills and tracts from the Bezeugen Tract Club. If you are going, please let me know how many you will be needing by leaving a comment. Watch how easy it is to hand out tracts to parade marchers:
Church Labels: If you want to print your own church labels to put on the tracts, purchase Avery Easy Peel labels 1′ X 25/8″. you can get a quantity of 4,200 at Costco for pretty cheap. The template for your computer: Avery 5160 or 8160.
Everyone should bring a backpack and water.
Tom Kiyuna