Atheist Tuesday: God Shows Up in Vietnam

If there is no God, affections get misplaced. Many things end up supplanting the One True God: Created things, science… even governments. The banner above “Uncle Ho” declares “GLORY TO THE COMMUNIST PARTY.”

Governments will come and go, but God lives forever. And all who come to Him through repentance and faith in Christ will, too.

When I have access to all the photos, I will present to you proof that God exists, and how a small group of nine from a church in Hermosa Beach made him known in Vietnam.

Comments (15)

  1. BathTub


    lol how many weeks back would I have to go to find you saying you can’t prove God? Now a photo is all you needed?

    Lets set aside of course that Romans clearly states that God set up the Government… 😉

    • Richard Chavarria


      How often will you see the atheist use the Christian worldview to support his argument. Here we see the unbeliever misreading of the scripture, (something he says he doesn’t believe in) to malign the believer. Please use an argument from your worldview. Because if we are just electro-chemical reactions for survival purposes only (as the evolutions believe) what should it matter to you what anybody believes. Your worldview is built on sinking sand. Repent or you to will perish.

      • Nohm

        How often will you see the atheist use the Christian worldview to support his argument.

        Richard, the point in doing so is to show that the “Christian worldview” is internally inconsistent or contradictory.

        Here we see the unbeliever misreading of the scripture,

        Obviously, there’s a disagreement there, and I think you missed the use of the winkie face.

        (something he says he doesn’t believe in)

        To clarify, he doesn’t believe that it’s divinely inspired, but he believes that the scripture exists. Do you understand the difference?

        Please use an argument from your worldview.

        As opposed to… what? I don’t think you understand what you mean here, Richard.

        And you still have no idea what our “worldview” is, as you make abundantly clear when you say the following:

        Because if we are just electro-chemical reactions for survival purposes only (as the evolutions believe) what should it matter to you what anybody believes.


        Read a book, man.

        Your worldview is built on sinking sand.

        So you say.

        The problem is:

        1. I think the same of yours.
        2. I don’t think you know what his worldview is, or what my worldview is. You assume you do, but you make it clear that you don’t when you comment on it.

        Regardless, be well.

  2. Garrett


    “If there is no God, affections get misplaced. Many things end up supplanting the One True God”

    But there would be no gods, so no One True God is supplanted because he/she/it doesn’t exist. Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but you’re not making sense here.

    And you told us a year ago that proof of God would damn us, so have you given up on getting us to believe through faith? Are…are you going to damn us, Steve?

  3. Richard Chavarria


    It amazes me how someone can say there is no God. And yet he/she/it is not omniscient.

    God is omnipresent, he’s everywhere at once. God is omnipotent, he is all powerful. God omiscentent, he is all knowing. Which one of these characterists is UNBELIEVING man.

    Oh, yeah he’s all s-t-u-p-i-d when it comes to the subject of saying there is no God.

    Ecc. 10: 3, Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everyone how stupid he is.

    God has set a day when he will judge the world in righteousness. Repent and believe the gospel.

    I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

    • Nohm


      It amazes me how someone can say there is no God.

      Richard, please point to anyone here who claims that “there is no God”.

      You really seem to enjoy beating up straw men.

    • BathTub


      Yes Richard I challenge you to point out a single person here who said they consider the Iliad factual, er I mean ‘there is no god’. Please at least be honest enough to stop making comments up.

  4. Richard Chavarria


    The Bible is clear in that if you die in your sins you will not be able to tell God there wasn’t enough proof or evidence. (I sincerely pray that you will not die before you repent). God has revealed himself to humanity through the writing of his Holy word. You have sinned against this Holy God and you need to repent of your idolatry. Your betting your eternal destiny on your limited understanding of who God is and what he’s has done for you to be saved.

    Romans 1:20 says, For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    Please don’t wait for the photo or any proof or evidence you could die tonight it happens all the time. That’s proof enough!!

  5. Reply

    Is it just me, or does Richard have, like, no sense of humor?

    Richard, dude, you’ve got to relax.

    How often will you see the atheist use the Christian worldview to support his argument. Here we see the unbeliever misreading of the scripture, (something he says he doesn’t believe in) to malign the believer.

    Well, that’s an awfully harsh reading of our little reindeer games. But it also tries to limit the playing field until the game is all but unplayable.

    You see, the point of this little discussion is that you have no proof of the existence of God, Jesus Christ (the Son of God), Mary, Joseph, or any of the various Apostles, or any of His Holy Posse, outside of Scripture.

    (Why does every freaking thing in the Christian mythos have to be capitalized, huh? What is up with that?)

    So, if we can’t poke you in the Scripture, what does that leave? You’re trying to tell us about this Sky Person and His Fleshly Avatar/Spawn, but even those of us who’ve read through all your Holy Books don’t get to talk about them? Then how can we point out the Historical Inaccuracies, the Blessed Contradictions, or the Glorious Logical Fallacies of which Thy Holy Writ is rife?

    Incidentally, what are your feelings on the Old Testament? Are you touchy on that subject, too? Are you a Young Earth Creationist, or what?

  6. BathTub


    How can we say there is no God when believe the iliad is factual Richard? There’s lots of Gods!

    Hah Checkmate Athiests!

  7. Richard Chavarria


    Evolution is demonic.

    It is derived from a government education in classrooms where the professor sets himself up as the high priest over his students who are stupid.

    O wait a minute, that’s in communist countries only..right…no this is in American Universities.

    • Thomas Moore


      That’s a funny way of putting Richard but sadly it is not funny because you are right on! I was one of those stupid people before I got saved. And even after I got saved it took lot’s of help and time from the Lord to work through the lie of evolution (Darwinism). To God be the glory!

    • BathTub


      Right so that’s your 3rd response to something no one said,

      have you ever actually talked with a person Richard?

    • vintango2k


      Richard…. have you EVER sat through a science class? In what bizarro universe do you think this takes place? Do you believe in the proven science of paternity testing? Of DNA evidence in criminal investigation? I’ll give you a hint, if you believe that these two things are accurate, correct, and reliable than you believe one of many key evidences for the support of evolution. Its not demonic, its observable. Did you ever go to a university Richard? Is there some reason why you feel the need to lambaste and vilify college professors who have devoted their lives to educating youth and furthering the cause of education, or perhaps if they belong to a research institution, they’re trying to further our understanding of the world and how it works in order to improve our lives?

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