Ambassadors’ Academy #16 just finished up and there will be a few stories to write including what happened with the Hari Krishnas. Also, a few new techniques were developed, including The Tract Gauntlet and PhotoBomb Evangelism. I forgot to mention this: Someone challenged me to preach inside Wendy’s Restaurant. Think I did it?
Instead of visiting Hollywood Blvd. like we normally do at these
Academies, we went to the 3rd St. Promenade and the Santa Monica Pier where we enjoyed great success.
The team I was responsible for even passed the Final Exam: preaching atop trash cans on Main St. in Huntington Beach! Will they do this back at home? Maybe not, but at least they know they can.
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Melissa Burdett
Steve R
Katie N
Michele Burgee
Steve R
Josh C.