This is part 6!< em>(In light of the recent Obama T-Shirt brouhaha, I want to repost this article from 2006, with some revision.)
We have a command from Jesus to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” This literally means “go into ALL the world.” That includes bars, movie theatres, stadiums, “Red Light Districts,” Chinatown, Koreatown, and Boystown. It also includes places where freedom of speech is protected and where it ain’t, which means public places and private spaces.
Not everyone is built the same, though.
That’s why we should not only be led by the Holy Spirit, but also by the three “C’s”:
This will help you to go into all the worldand not stumble while doing it.
After all, one man’s Areopagus may be another man’s Sodom.
(And may I add that since Jesus gave no official dress code when going into all the world, an assumption can be made that it’s okay to wear whatever is appropriate for your own evangelistic adventure.)
(Read the highly controversial article that inspired this post, “Pastor Bar Hop,” here!)