P.E.T.A. Proselytzing

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals may object to this type of evangelism. Still, we live in desperate times and people are dying and going to Hell everyday! Use Fido and Kip and Rover to help get that Million-dollar bill with the Gospel of life into the hands of that pet lover who cares more about animals than people.
null When they stoop down to caress the precious pooch, they will be overjoyed to grab a bill that reminds them that if they have ever lied, stolen, misused God’s name or lusted, then God sees them as lying, thieving, blasphemous adulters-at-heart and they will be found guilty on Judgment Day and spend eternity in Hell—unless they repent and trust in Jesus!

Who ever said that witnessing has gone to the dogs?

(Thanks to Illie Seagren for the pic)

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