Why I’ll Apologize to the Gay Pride Parade-Goers

On Sunday a small team and myself will be going to West Hollywood to share our faith at one of the largest Pride Parades in the country. I felt so compelled to do this that I asked to be excused from my regular pastoral duties on Sunday morning.

I am not necessarily looking forward to this event.

It is very difficult for a Christian to evangelize in this community because we are hated. And with good reason.

Christians have not shown a whole of love to those who are lesbian, gay, transgendered or bi-sexual. In fact, there is a whole contingent of “Sign Guys”—those who hold up banners and placards that focus solely on Judgment and Hell, using unloving, hateful terms toward homosexuals, shouting down curses and insults—who are actually barred from entering the parade, cordoned off and guarded by the police so they won’t get injured by angry people inflamed by their hate speech. (Read a Facebook dialogue I had with just such a Sign Guy by clicking here.)

Most of these “Christian Evangelists” feel it is their duty to rebuke these “sinners.” They cite many Old Testament examples of prophets chastising the profligate and use these accounts as basis for their “ministry”.

Here is one horribly egregious sample of what these types of rebuking prophet/evangelists do. In this case, what one misguided man “preached” to Rosie O’Donnell.

Christians are despised and rejected because the message that is typically shared in the gay community is full of venom and bile.

That’s why I’m called to go there: to show love, to speak truth… and to apologize on behalf of true Christians everywhere. I will tell them that I am sorry that the Christian community has not demonstrated tact, poise, reason and grace to those who are in dire need of a Savior.

Don’t get me wrong. I will talk about sin.

Inevitably, I will be asked: “Will God send me to Hell because I’m gay?”

My answer: “No one ever went to Hell because they are gay.”

Immediately, the person softens and I’m able to explain that they have sinned by breaking God’s ten Commandments. They will be judged for lying, stealing, looking with lust, hating or using God’s name as a cuss word. I warn that if they don’t change, they will end up in Hell because God is just. Then I remind them of God’s incredible grace, love and mercy as demonstrated on a cross. That if they repent and trust in Jesus, who suffered and died on their behalf, was buried for three days and rose again, they can be forgiven.

“So you see,” I’ll say, continuing the conversation, “it’s not about you being gay, it’s because you’ve sinned in these other ways. Homosexuality is a sin, it’s just not THE sin.”

When I speak to a gay person, I will be firm, but gentle—just like I am to everybody I talk to.

If I’m asked about whether gays should be married, I will not shrink back from the truth that marriage, as God created it, has always been between a man and a woman. We should never re-define a term to fit our culture’s preferences. Civil unions? Why not?

I will attempt to shake their hand, even give them a hug. I will ask them if they have ever met a Christian like me. Someone friendly, concerned, and gracious.

I suspect the answer will be no.

And that’s a sin.


Read another article by a Christian apologizing to Rosie O’Donnell for the preacher in the above video.

Comments (101)

  1. Blythe


    their actions don’t harm you Steve, I know you think you have some God given right to tell others they are sinners, but really, you dont have any right to tell anyone they are sinners. its just your opinion, nothing more.
    Its sad that you think you can treat people like this, saying these nasty things to them, with impunity.

    • Steve L.


      Blyth wrote:
      “Its sad that you think you can treat people like this, saying these nasty things to them, with impunity.”

      You have no idea what you’re talking about!! I have first person experience as I have been out evangelizing with Steve for nearly a year and he is a perfect gentleman at all times. I’ve seen others become pretty ugly but he always returns “a blessing when he gets a cursing”.
      You have every right to dislike his blog, but under the circumstances I believe you owe him an apology!!

      • Blythe

        telling some on they are a sinner is nasty – you have no idea what they do or don’t do and sin is just a religious construct, something others disagree with. I did not call Steve any names, and my post was polite. If you don’t like my saying calling someone names (ie ‘sinner’) is nasty, then you have a problem.

      • Steve L.

        I never tell anyone their a sinner; after I lead them through the law “they admit it!”

        Try getting your story straight before you make accusations that you can’t substantiate!

      • Nohm

        Steve wrote: “Blythe, I suspect that you’re real name is Jim.

        If it is, then he’s drastically changed his writing style.

        The way we’ve been able to notice sockpuppets in the past is by writing style and word usage. I’m not seeing that with Blythe.

      • BathTub

        Even the anonymous sockpuppet trolls that you allow went out their way to tell you who Blythe was from CARM.

        And they couldn’t see her IP address like you can.

    • Beth Renee


      I agree. Blythe and Jim are two peas in an unsaved athiest pod of indignation.

      I think their complaints are ways they can insult the good work Christians like Steve are doing.

      • Blythe

        Good work? you think calling people sinners is good work? No its just name calling. Nothing good there.

        While you may believe whatever you like, when you step into peoples personal space and call them names which only have meaning in your world view, not theirs , it is not good, in any sense of the word.

      • Unless, of course, it’s true. in that case it’s a very loving thing to do. By the way, where am I calling anyone a sinner? Just curious….

      • Nohm

        Hi Steve,

        You wrote: “Unless, of course, it’s true

        And that’s the crux of the matter. This is why I’ve asked before how you are able to determine that it’s true, and how you’d demonstrate this.

      • Blythe

        steve said I never tell anyone their a sinner; after I lead them through the law “they admit it!”

        Try getting your story straight before you make accusations that you can’t substantiate!

        I’m able to explain that they have sinned by breaking God’s ten Commandments.

        To say you are not calling people sinners is just splitting hairs steve, also, are you saying you have never called a person a sinner? Not once?

      • Steve L.

        You just want to turn this “sinner thing” into a free for all! I believe I’ve made my point! A point I’m sure you understand.

        And why so bitter and angry? Bitterness tends to be antisocial; plus a bitter person is selfish and inconsiderate of others! Even strangers avoid bitter people. Prov. 14:10. Bitterness is a sign of a fragmented life; is there any way I can help?

  2. theB1ackSwan


    Regardless of how you speak your message, Steve, the point is the same: Homosexuality, and all other forms of non-heterosexuality, are wrong according to your faith (or, rather, your interpretation of it). This is why people frown on you trying to proselytize in an area where we all know you denounce it and are only there to spread less-than-subtle disappointment of their lifestyles.

  3. Terran Houston


    I really think that the gay community has been fueled by the President and the main stream media and have gotten a pass on there sin, Yes there are some Christians that have gone over board and have not shown that love of Christ .But to sit he and blame all Christians for there not wanting to change there behavior is totally not far at all, just like all other groups that enjoy sin they too must repent and need to be told that, one of satan biggest tricks is to soften the message to the Homosexual community .They don’t feel like they have to repent and try to get a pass for there sin and that is wrong.

    • vintango2k


      Wow… its refreshing to hear a Christian denounce someone making sweeping, stereotypical statements about an entire group of people when so many Christians on this blog do the exact same thing with atheists and rare if at all will a single Christian will stand up and condemn them when they do….

      How exactly, Terran, does a homosexual stop being homosexual? If they literally feel nothing for the opposite sex, when that biological urge that is built into all of us that governs, love, attraction, and lust pushes them in the direction of the same sex, how do you suggest they live their lives?

      • That is a great question vintango. Having a certain urge to to engage in homosexual behavior does not make one a homosexual. A person becomes one when he or she engages in that lifestyle. Once a person acts out the urges that is what the Bible calls sin. Homosexuals do have a real urge to engage in the lifestyle, but the urge itself comes from a corrupted or sinful nature. The bible refers to it most often as the flesh. Because we are born with a corrupted nature we have urges or impulses to do bad or sinful things. Some have the frequent urge to lie, some have frequent urges to murder, hate, steal, be envious, be angry, lust etc.. Homosexual urges are among that list, and it is just a desire of a sinful nature.

        How do we know that this is wrong? Because God has said that it is wrong. Once someone engages in the lifestyle of a homosexual they have disobeyed God. However there is great hope for those who have these feelings and are guilty of acting on them, and that hope is Jesus Christ. He can change a person’s heart and take away those desires and give them the strength to not engage in that behavior. Here is a popular bible passage dealing with homosexuality:

        9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

        This passage is referring to former homosexuals who were changed and forgiven by Jesus Christ, and that same hope is available to them even today! 🙂

      • vintango2k

        Uhm Samuel, same sex attraction occurs whether you like it or not, and granted there are varying levels of bisexuality when it comes to human relationships (as revealed by studies of human sexuality) there are cases of men and women who are exclusively hetero and exclusively homosexual.

        Is it right or fair to oppress human preference when it comes to sexual partners? It seems that the main argument against the activity is speaking out against fornication and adultery, and there are good practical reasons against those behaviors from a health stand point and also from a social standpoint. In the ancient world fornication wouldn’t be a desirable trait if resources were limited and the tribe didn’t want to take on a bunch of children born from parents who couldn’t control their sexual impulses. This is sensible behavior. However I fail to see why, two people who are in a committed loving relationship (and I use the term love in every sense we have of the definition of the word) is wrong.

        I am curious though Samuel, how many gay friends, family members, or people in general to you actually associate and listen to. How many do you actually engage in meaningful conversation with, that you can show such a gross lack of empathy. You’re literally asking some people to forgo forming meaningful relationships with people, possibly starting a family, or finding a special someone to share their lives with in favor of isolating themselves away from love or forcing them to live a lie just for your own mental well being… or satisfying edicts from a religion that offers no proof of any of its claims. Why should anyone seriously consider your words, let alone a gay person in a committed relationship? Tell me Samuel, what do you say to the gay couple who’s been together for 20 years, have a family, a life together, a home, and even kids? Sorry Mary and Sherry, time to find yourselves a pair of fellas? And you wonder why the homosexual community doesn’t take you seriously…

  4. Reply


    It’s not a “right”. It’s a “duty”.

    “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” ~ Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Ezekiel 33:6
    But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; BUT HIS BLOOD I WILL REQUIRE AT THE WATCHMAN’S HAND.’

    Isaiah 58:1
    “Cry aloud, spare not;
    Lift up your voice like a trumpet;
    Tell My people their transgression,
    And the house of Jacob their sins.

    • Blythe


      I understand where you are coming from, you believe that the bible is somehow a standard for you to live by, well if thats your standard, thats your choice, but some of us know that the bible is pretty worthless for a hand book on good living, and that was my point. You want to live by a out dated book, fine, your choice, but trying to tell others to?

      • Blythe

        the parts of my reply you deleted can be directly backed up with scripture Steve.

  5. perdita


    “We should never re-define a term to fit our culture’s preferences.”

    Marriage is a cultural construct. We’ve redefined it to exclude polygamous marriages. We’ve redefined it to include the peasantry and not make it exclusive to nobles. We’ve redefined it to be primarily about a couple’s love rather than about inheritance and treaties. And since marriage is primarily about a couple’s love and commitment to each other, gays should not be barred from it.

  6. perdita


    Civil unions? Why not?

    Because that’s like two different drinking fountains.

    • vintango2k


      I would wonder if these same people posting against gay marriage would be the same people in the 50’s and 60’s posting against interracial marriage… that was illegal as well….

      • Because that’s like two different drinking fountains.
        That’s a pretty good argument, though it’s not enough to convince me to change my mind.

      • Nohm

        Hi Vin,

        I think if you do a little research into that subject, you’ll quickly find your answer.

        Granted, it depends on what you mean by “the same people”.

  7. Steve R



    I have a couple things to say.

    I agree with you 100% – first of all, what gay person is going to hear this guy screaming what he/she/it is doing is wrong, and their reaction is to humbly turn to Christ in repentance and faith – there’s exceptions to every rule, but for the most part, it ain’t going to happen. What’s worse is it would give them the excuse they are looking for to turn a deaf ear to any potential future clear,concise Law & Gospel presentation.

    I think it’s great what you are doing. God bless you for your obedience.

    And yes, let’s stop the gay bashing too – love the sinner, hate the sin.

    • vintango2k


      Again I’ll ask, because this topic is interesting, how do you propose a homosexual live their life, do you propose celibacy? Domestic partnerships? Marriage so that the relationship is now ‘alright’? How would you react Steve, (if you are married) if someone, a stranger in fact, approached you and told you, you couldn’t marry the person you love because it offends them and their religious beliefs. If you love the sinner so much, are you willing to support them? Or are you perfectly content to just campaign against them and any rights they are fighting for and when the days over, go back to your home, ignore their anguish and continue living your life?

      • Vin, here’s my answer (in bold): Again I’ll ask, because this topic is interesting, how do you propose a homosexual live their life, do you propose celibacy? A homosexual, if they choose to follow Christ, repents and lives a celibate life if they are attracted to their same sex.

        Domestic partnerships? Marriage so that the relationship is now ‘alright’? Civil unions are way that gay people can live with the State’s blessing, just not the church’s.

        How would you react Steve, (if you are married) if someone, a stranger in fact, approached you and told you, you couldn’t marry the person you love because it offends them and their religious beliefs. What matters is what the Word of God says, not my feelings.

        If you love the sinner so much, are you willing to support them? Or are you perfectly content to just campaign against them and any rights they are fighting for and when the days over, go back to your home, ignore their anguish and continue living your life? Of course I’m willing to support a repentant homosexual or straight if they want to follow Christ. I do that through discipleship, teaching them to obey everything Christ commanded.

      • vintango2k

        And what exactly are Christ’s commands of gay people? What does Jesus specifically say about gay people in the Bible?

        You see it sounds like you would be perfectly fine with a same sex couple living together as domestic partners, co-owning a house, visitation rights, death benefits, etc. etc. essentially every aspect of married life except for the sexual relations. Essentially two people in love that just do not physically express it. Would you be okay with that?

        – What matters is what the Word of God says, not my feelings. –

        That’s not my question, I wanted to know how you, Steve would feel if someone did that to you. How would you personally feel? I’m curious because I think the reason why this conflict between evangies and gays is so volatile is because it stems from a profound lack of empathy. So yes I’m curious about YOUR feelings.

        How exactly would you support them? Would you help the homosexual find a celibate partner that they can spend the rest of their lives with? Or would you simply quote bible versus at them that they can read when they go home alone to a house or apartment devoid of human warmth and contact?

      • perdita

        Civil unions are way that gay people can live with the State’s blessing, just not the church’s.

        Marriage is already a civil union that is administered by the State.

        Most people opt for a religious ceremony on top of the the State’s “blessing”, but those that don’t have a religious ceremony are still just as married. You didn’t have to bless me for me to be married. Your church didn’t need to bless me for me to be married.

  8. Bizzle



    I wouldn’t even bring up the homosexuality part. Just say, as you do, that no one went to hell for being gay. Continue to discuss the sin part that you descirbed, but leave homosexuality out. I bet you’ll get people to listen. That and engage the people who ask questions and try to answer them. I know that’s asking a lot since you don’t do it much here, but these methods, IMO would get people to listen.

    There are at least two scientific studies, ones from the Netherlands I believe, that says homosexuals have a different chemical makeup than heterosexuals. If that is true, that means that it’s not a choice, it’s the way they’re made and that is not the work of man.

    Besides, we shouldn’t be judging. That’s God’s job. Those that preach, preach, but don’t judge. Too much judging during the preaching from what I’ve seen.

    • Reply


      Did you not read my post? I implied that I would only talk about homosexuality if asked.

      Regardless, even if they were born with a “Gay Gene”, they would still have to repent. I was born with an “Adultery Gene”. And a “Lying, Thieving Gene”.

      • Bizzle


        I did read the post. After doing so again, perhaps I need to make my point better. What I meant, and should have said, was come out right away and tell someone at the onset that they’re not going to hell for being gay. In many videos and a couple of eyewitness prachings, a homosexual chided the evangelist by telling them this was all about them being gay and the talk was going to be a hateful sermon. But if you lead with “no one ever went to hell for being gay” you might have a more captive audience and diffuse any inherent tension. I apologize for being a bit vague.

        And that “gay gene” (your words) was not directed so much at you personally than other evangelists, who seem to harp on homosexuality being a choice.

      • Thnaks for clarifying! I have at least two or three articles I’m going to post about my experience at the Parade yesterday.

      • Chris

        Steve wrote “Regardless, even if they were born with a “Gay Gene”, they would still have to repent.”

        Repent of what? Being born? You can’t repent of a difference in gene’s Steve. The homosexuals didn’t make their genes like that.

        Steve went on to claim “I was born with an “Adultery Gene”. And a “Lying, Thieving Gene”.”

        Actually that’s a lie Steve. There are no such genes. Now confess your lie and apologise.

      • Chris, Chris, Chris… What’s the point that I’m trying to make? I’ll tell ya: We were all born with a “Sin Gene.” Whether it’s homosexuality, lying, stealing…we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.

        I hope that helps.

      • Chris

        Steve wrote “What’s the point that I’m trying to make? I’ll tell ya: We were all born with a “Sin Gene.” ”

        Steve ya know there’s no such thing don’t you? That’s a second lie. Why do you keep on lying like this Steve? And when are you going to confess your lies?

        Steve went on to write “Whether it’s homosexuality, lying, stealing…we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.”

        Except since homosexuals are born homosexuals then they were made that way by God.

        Another point is that there are several problems of reqading homosexuality into the bible as you are doing.
        1) The ancient world – and that includes the writers of the bible – had no concept of homosexuality. To those of the ancient world everyone was bisexual.
        2) Many of the passages in the bible which seem to speak of homosexuality actually speak of either – exploitative relationships or inhospitality. That’s by theologians who know the original languages.

        See ya kinda need knowledge of the original languages in order to correctly interpret a text written in another language. Otherwise people tend to make assumptions when they read a translation – kinda like you’ve done concerning homosexuality.

        As you said Steve “I hope that helps.”

      • Beth Renee


        I could be mistaken but aren’t you gay?

        Most gay people support the theory that there is a gay gene. There is no such thing.

        When you believe that you have no control over your actions then you also tend to believe that you have no accountability for your actions.

        Fallen human nature is to sin according to the Bible. According to the Bible homosexual activity is a sin.

      • Chris

        Beth wrote “Chris,

        I could be mistaken but aren’t you gay?”

        Not according to my fiancee. 🙂

        Betyh went on to claim “Most gay people support the theory that there is a gay gene. There is no such thing.”

        Two things.
        1) Prove that most homosexuals claim there is a gay gebe. Not just your story about a few homosexuals who’ve said this but an actual study.

        2) The evidence that there is a gay gene is the prevalence of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. If homosexuality is a choice did a lizard wake up one day and decide to be homosexual? 🙂

        In fact homosexuality has been found in virtually EVERY species of animal on the planet. Now all that doesn’t PROVE there is a gay gene but it does support the idea. In any case, as more than one scientific study has pointed out, homosexuality can be caused by environmental factors in the womb. Either way people are BORN homosexual – it’s NOT a choice.

        Beth then went on to claim “When you believe that you have no control over your actions then you also tend to believe that you have no accountability for your actions.”

        Fundies often make claims like this. The fact is that one is born a homosexual. Now just because you are born homosexual does not mean you have no control over your behaviour.

        Beth went on to claim “Fallen human nature is to sin according to the Bible. According to the Bible homosexual activity is a sin.”

        According to Beth’s interpretation of the Bible. As I’ve already pointed out the Bible can’t be saying anything about homosexuality as we understand it because the ancient world didn’t even know it existed. The term itself was only invented in the 19th century. Makes it a bit hard for Bible writers to be condemning it in that case isn’t it?

        Try reading a theologian who actually knows koinne Greek and ancient Hebrew. He/She will tell you that your interpretation is more than a little wrong. Or study koine Greek and ancient Hebrew for yourself and then study some theology then do your own readings.

        Either way you’ll find that most verses that seem to mention homosexuality are speaking about exploitative sexuality or inhospitality [such as Sodom].

      • Beth Renee

        My apologies Chris.

        I thought there was an openly gay man at the atheist website and that man was you. Are e-lad or lehman gay?

        It would be interesting to get a homosexual’s take on evangelism and which evangelism approach they thought was more effective.

        Some scholars do say that the reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gamorrah was not because people were homosexual but that they were raping visitors, strangers and guests that came to those cities. I have heard that on the History channel too. I’m not sure if the scholars who make that claim are correct. They may be partially correct.

        I don’t think everyone in the ancient world was bisexual even amongst the Greeks and Romans. Even wikipedia article on homosexuality and certain homosexual acts disproves your assertion that they all bisexual were.

      • Chris

        Beth wrote “My apologies Chris.

        I thought there was an openly gay man at the atheist website and that man was you. Are e-lad or lehman gay?”

        Quite frankly I’ve no idea.

        Beth then wrote “I don’t think everyone in the ancient world was bisexual even amongst the Greeks and Romans. Even wikipedia article on homosexuality and certain homosexual acts disproves your assertion that they all bisexual were.”

        Sorry I didn’t make myself clear. My fault. I’m not asserting that everyone in the ancient world was bisexual, merely that people back then believed everyone was bisexual.

        In fact since sexuality is set in the womb it would be reasonable to assume that the numbers of all orientations have remained pretty constant. In other words the majority of people in the ancient world were heterosexuals. Nevertheless the people believed that everyone was what we would call bisexual.

  9. vintango2k


    Steve! Wouldn’t a more effective line to use on the gays be this….

    “You don’t believe because you suppress the truth in unrighteousness. You don’t believe because you are dead in your sin and trespasses. You don’t believe because you are stiff-necked and hard-hearted. You don’t believe because you are of your father the devil. You don’t believe because God has not chosen you (so far).”

    – Steve Sanchez

    I’m just saying cut out the sugar coating and just say that they keep being gay because they are of their father the devil, is that not easier?

      • vintango2k

        Reasoned with for a long time? So if you engage a gay in conversation long enough you’ll say something along these lines? Hmmmm… gotcha so your plan is to hide your true message behind smiles and a far more subtle message? That sounds a little dishonest don’t you think? Why not just say that line, if that’s what you truly believe… if that’s what’s truly lying in the back of your mind? Is it because you don’t want to appear like those hateful sign holders?

      • Tell ya what: Come with me and we’ll learn from each other.

        Thanks for your suggestions, but I choose to believe Psalm 1 when I listen to helpful advice.

      • Chris

        Steve wrote “Thanks for your suggestions, but I choose to believe Psalm 1, as interpreted by myself, when I listen to helpful advice”.

        Fixed it for ya Steve.

    • Steve L.


      I can talk with a “gay” person and explain that he is a 1) liar, 2) a thief and 3), that he has used God’s name as a cuss word and never mention homosexuality! Why? Because he is already guilty of breaking God’s law!

      If a person is convicted in this manner, the Holy Spirit has the ability (simply put) to lead him in a new way of life! All the ancillary things will find there proper place as he lives a life pleasing to God!

  10. Susan Denton-Agosto


    I LOVE Rosie O.and that man who was bashing her needs to apologize to her!

  11. Blythe


    steve said
    Blythe, I suspect that you’re real name is Jim. I’ll be monitoring your posts…

    one I am not Jim whoever he is, and two, you monitor posts anyway

  12. Reply

    To be fair, Steve Sanchez, the corollary of criticism is letting people know when you agree with them. You and I don’t share the same opinions on homosexuality, but I approve of your approach here.

  13. Thomas Moore


    Very good article here Pastor Steve well done 🙂

    P.S.—It is interesting in the video that Rosie O’Donnell does quote an accurate Bible verse, the shortest verse in the Bible, John 11:35!

  14. Reply

    Well Steve I am sure that you would have apologized for Sodom and Gomorrah with signs that you were MORE loving than God. And perhaps you would have apologized for what happen with the tower of Babel and you would have sent a small team to rebuilt it, as that will show you are more merciful than God.
    You are drunken with yourself and what others may think of you.
    A) This is a homosexual parade and you will not address that sin unless questioned
    B)These people are having a parade on ‘pride’ and you do understand what God says about the pride
    C) If you have problems with our message, maybe you would also have issues with the Apostle Paul who wrote that these same people were; “Who changed the truth of God into a lie……God gave them up unto…..vile affections…..burned in their lust one toward another…..they did not like to retain God in their knowledge…..a reprobate mind….filled with all unrighteousness…..fornication…..wickedness…..covetousness….maliciousness….full of envy…murder…. Debate….deceit….backbiters…..haters of God…..despiteful….proud….inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents…..covenant breakers….without natural affection….unmerciful…..AND…..are worthy of death….

    And you will be just as guilty as them when you justify their sin as per Proverbs 17:15
    “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD”

    • Reply

      Ruben, I’m not justifying any sin. I’m just not focused on one particular sin.

      No, I am not more loving and merciful than God, just more loving and merciful than Sign Guys.

      • “I’m just not focused on one particular sin”
        You do understand that this is the reason they have a parade and you wish to not preach against this sin? This is not a Dodger game or a rap concert Steve, this IS an event where people parade publicly and with pride of that one sin, that you wish to look the other way. I will be there as bold as them as the Lord has put me at this event since 1980 and most of those men I preached to back then have since died and are in hellfire, while you (the new-guy) wants to hug them into hell for Jesus.
        Appearance is everything to you Steve and if I offend homosexuals on Sunday SO BE IT, I will not offend God who has a HOLY STANDARD and one last point IF I see you out there EXPECT TO GET PREACHED AT TOO!!

      • carl

        Steve Sanchez is a wise man that knows that “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

        Jesus’ treatment of people was merciful. I think Steve is following Jesus’ example. Steve is demonstrating Christian love towards the homosexuals.

        King James Bible:

        Matthew 5:7
        Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

        Luke 6:36
        Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

        Luke 18:10-14
        10. Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

        Matthew 9:10-13
        10. And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. 11. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners? 12. But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. 13. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

        John 13:34-35
        34. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

      • carl

        Evangelism and passing judgement on other people are two different activities. Steve is trying to win souls for Christ. Steve can educate people about God’s laws and the Bible and still be compassionate in his approach.

    • Blythe


      your post reaks with self righteous, not that I really care what people like you think, or that there is a god who cares either, but just thought you might like to know that. You might want to work on that.

      • Ruben, I will respond in depth, probably with a post later. I’ll let you know on Facebook when I do. All I can say, is what I saw of your preaching today, I was deeply ashamed. Deeply.

        And yes, i did apologize for you guys.

      • vintango2k

        Fascinating. This Ruben guy seems to be burning with righteous indignation. Why are you coddling sodomites Steve, are they not destined for the lake of fire for being born gay? I mean its their special suffering in life to ‘wrestle with’ homosexuality is it not?

      • Maybe you should rename your blog ‘Hug & Kiss the preacher’ as this is what you want and need from sinners and you will never get stoned for your style and message. I did not see you but what else is new as you are not even a bleep on the radar in that parade but to your readers you sound BIG.
        Ever sold used cars Steve?

      • Actually, we had lots on personal conversations, one woman even professed Christ with tears! And we handed out about 6-7000 tracts…all with a winsome, gracious attitude! One lesbian woman said, “I like you, Steve!” I replied, “I like you, too!” We then shook hands.

      • Steve L.

        And why so bitter and angry? Bitterness tends to be antisocial; plus a bitter person is selfish and inconsiderate of others! Even strangers avoid bitter people. Prov. 14:10. Bitterness is a sign of a fragmented life; is there any way I can help? Prayer?

      • Schmader

        When someone like Steve Sanchez speaks the truth it hits a lot of nerves.

      • Steve L.

        For a man who claims to be a minister/ bringer of the good news, you lack much grace in the way you address your brethren (Steve)! This happens to be my observation; You should always think before starting to say something and pause a few seconds and ask yourself: “Are these words true or false; exaggerated or accurate; healing or cutting; grateful or complaining?
        Psalm 39 (NKJV) “I will guard my ways, Lest I sin with my tongue!

        As God’s Representative:
        Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice (Ephesians 4:26–31).

        Like my mama used to say; if you cant say something to draw a person in, best to say nothing at all.

        Brother Steve-

      • vintango2k

        Steve? Why should Ruben treat Steve with any civility? In his opinion, Steve is trying to coddle or even condone SIN by not speaking out about it with the same righteous indignation that he is. To him Steve, may be an apostate… or… gasp… dishonest or censoring the message. I mean you’re not dishonest or a censor are you Steve? =)

      • Steve L.

        Hey Vin:
        Hrer’s my answer!

        Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and * evil speaking * be put away from you, with all malice (Ephesians 4:26–31).

      • Chris

        I tend to agree with Black Swan.

        Allow me to add my own thoughts. Beth you and I are both human beings. Human beings can be wrong about ideas, concepts and so on.

        Now if God exists [I believe God does] and God cares about what we believe then it would be disastrous for anyone else to depend upon our interpretation of God’s will – we might be wrong.

        Even if we had a book which was never wrong it would still be necessary to interpret that book and that, once again, means a human being [the interpreter] could be wrong.

        I think it would be safer by far for each human being to decide for themselves what God does, or doesn’t, want people to do. After all it is their soul that will pay the price if they are wrong so they should take responsibility for it [if in fact a soul exists].

        To me that would seem the most reasonable and safeest course of action.

    • Beth Renee


      History has shown that some of the largest and most outspoken opponents of a particular sin are often guilty of committing that sin. Just saying.

      Homosexuality is a sin but it is not the worst sin that can be sinned. Sin is sin, period.

      Have sex with someone of the same sex, cheat on your taxes, cheat on your spouse, tell your parents off, take office supplies from your work, etc…. its all sin.

      Thank God we have an advocate in heaven! Jesus Christ who died for our sins.

      • Chris

        Beth wrote “Have sex with someone of the same sex, cheat on your taxes, cheat on your spouse, tell your parents off, take office supplies from your work, etc…. its all sin.”

        Sing along…one of these things is not like the other one, one of these things just doesn’t belong. Can you guess which one it is? Yes it’s the one between two consenting adults. That one where the consenting adults may be sharing their love for each other.

        The others are things you do to people who are not consenting.

      • Beth Renee

        Chris we are talking about sin, which I think you would agree is a Biblical concept.

        According to the Bible it is a sin. I will repeat my earlier point that it is not the worst sin but it is listed in the Bible as a sin. Prostitution is a sin also and Jesus showed compassion to prostitutes aka harlots. He told them that they were sinning and told them to sin no more.

        We have a choice we can either follow God and abide by his rules or we can live our own lives and face the consequences.

        I agree with your point but it is off topic if the topic is sin. I’m talking about sin and you are talking about man made morality.

      • Chris

        Beth wrote “Chris we are talking about sin, which I think you would agree is a Biblical concept.”


        Beth went on to claim “According to the Bible it is a sin. I will repeat my earlier point that it is not the worst sin but it is listed in the Bible as a sin.”

        In the Bible as interpreted by Beth it is a sin. Since you have no idea of the original languages nor of the history at the time the bible was written I would argue that your interpretation is merely an opinion and nothing more.

        Fact is:
        1) The ancient world had NO concept of homosexuality. To people in the ancient world everyone was bisexual.
        2) The concept of homosexuality – someone being solely attracted to someone of the same sex – was only coined in the 19th century.

        The above being the case the writers of the Bible CAN’T have been condemning homosexuality can they? Not when they didn’t even know it existed.

        Beth went on to claim “Prostitution is a sin also and Jesus showed compassion to prostitutes aka harlots. He told them that they were sinning and told them to sin no more.”

        To point out the obvious prostitution is a profession. Homosexuuality on the other hand is a manner of being.
        I am a heterosexual. That affects me in who I find attractive andd how I relate to people around me. I can no more give that up than fly. Homosexuals are affected by their sexuality in as profound a way as that just not in the same way as myself.

        To demand that Homosexuals give up being homosexuals makes as much sense as demanding that read heads continually shave their heads or people who are left handed must never use their left hand.

        Fact is red-headed people, left-handed people and homosexuals are all born that way. It is a nonsense to demand that they change.

        Beth went on to write “We have a choice we can either follow God and abide by his rules or we can live our own lives and face the consequences.”

        You mean follow God’s rules as interpreted by YOU! as I’ve already pointed out since you do NOT know the original languages nor theology nor history then what you are voicing is merely an opinion and NOTHING more. Unless you are claiming infallibility your opinion is NOT the same thing as the Bible.

        Beth went on to write “I agree with your point but it is off topic if the topic is sin. I’m talking about sin and you are talking about man made morality.”

        Incorrect. You gave examples of people who do something TO someone. An action that the other person neither wants nor needs. Homosexual act may be an act of love between two people. Now since God is love and since He made the homosexuals that way they have two choices. One is they can accept the way God made them. The second is that they can accept a lonly and unfullfilled life because Beth’s opinion is that such behaviour is a sin. Which do you think is in keeping with God’s [not Beth’s] will?

      • theB1ackSwan

        Beth, you said, “We have a choice we can either follow God and abide by his rules or we can live our own lives and face the consequences.”

        And that’s fine and lovely, and I tend to agree. You, as in only you, can and should decide how to live your life. If you want to be what I deem hyper-religious and praise God and do what the book tells you to do regardless of its justification of doing so, be my guest.

        However, you must also be willing to extend that same courteousness to everyone else – Christian or non-Christian, religious or non-religious. As you can plainly see though, these “Defense of Marriage” bills do the exact opposite by dictating how a person must live in the context of a framework they do not agree with and that doesn’t provide anywhere close to what could be considered a fair shake of the dice (metaphorically speaking).

        Again, no one is taking away your right to follow God and believe in Jesus and all of that sorta thing, but you absolutely cannot take away the rights of other people to live in a lifestyle that doesn’t impede or hinder yours.

      • vintango2k

        I’m curious Beth, how many gay people do you know? How many have you actually had any conversations with or tried to understand? Have you even attempted to empathize with them?

        How would you feel if, and I’ll assume you’re married or in a relationship, someone told you that you couldn’t be with the person you loved? And that no good reason was given for WHY you and another consenting adult could not form a relationship, you just can’t because you can’t. Who exactly are homosexual relationships hurting Beth? Are you really saying its better that homosexuals live miserable lonely lives rather than finding a partner who loves them, just because of what you BELIEVE to be a sin? What alternative do you propose to remedy this dilemma?

  15. Reply

    Great post, Steve! Every lost person needs to see our compassion and concern for there soul. Calling them names and yelling at them only turns them away. Mark Cahill witnesses every year at the Gay Pride Festival in
    Atlanta. He has some great testimonies from talking with some of those attending. They need us to lead them to the love of God!

  16. Dale Parkes


    Steve Sanchez, I’ve read your blog numerous times in the past and there is MUCH I believe is commendable. I’ve never met you yet and was hoping to do so someday. However, with all due respect, I think your post was uncalled for. My take is that you are sowing discord among the brethren. In fact I felt sick when I saw your post.

    True, homosexual behaviour is not the only sin out there. However that was the issue at hand in West Hollywood on Sunday. And if you wish to hand out tracts and share your faith in the way “you” feel led to do I have no problem with that either. However I think you “crossed the line” when you presume to apologise for the preaching of a fellow believer.

    “Gay Pride” parades are not my favourite places to be. However homosexual behaviour is a very egregious sin and is in fact an abomination. Furthermore these people are PROUD of their sin and have parades to celebrate their sin. In my opinion that calls for strong condemnation. If there was a “liars pride” or a “thieves pride” parade we would feel compelled to come out and preach to those events as well. In fact come August we plan (DV) to preach to the Hare Krishna parade at Santa Monica/Venice beaches. Just to show that homosexuality is not the only issue that we address.

    Your post also begs the following questions:

    Have you ever tried to contact Ruben privately to share any concerns you have and give him a chance to explain and to clarify any possible misunderstandings?

    Don’t you think it is presumptous on your part to apologise for the preaching done by a fellow soldier in Christ?

    • Beth Renee


      Some people preach out of love for God and love for people.

      Some people preach out of pride and vainglory.

      Most of us can see the difference.

      • theB1ackSwan

        Except when those people who claim to do it for God and love of people actually do it out of pride and glory. It’s much easier to call someone else out than it is to call yourself out. Considering that all I do is watch people preach (normally at me, given that I’m a pansexual and an atheist), I can easily say that people like Ruben and people like Steve are truly of the same cut.

  17. Dale Parkes


    One more question:

    Did you hear EVERYTHING that we preached from ALL the preachers that preached as there were about seven of us in our group?

  18. BathTub


    I’m curious if any of the people you talk to would think you were serious about conversing with them in love when they saw the venom and bile you allow from your fellow Christians in these comments.

    I’m also extremely curious if any of the Christians here would truthfully answer the following question. What was the average number of wives the biblical patriarchs had?

    • Beth Renee


      What is your point BathTub?

      Some biblical rules change some stay the same. That is generally how laws and customs work.

      If you want to know why things change you should read the Bible. I don’t think you have ever really studied the Bible or you wouldn’t ask such questions.

      • Chris

        Beth wrote “If you want to know why things change you should read the Bible.”

        As you were studying the Bible were you able to study it in it’s original languages – koine Greek and and cient Hebrew?

        See the problem is you’re just playing games with the text if all you can do is read a translation and consult some commentary. Why because you have no idea how certain words were understood in those langauges all you have, at best, is what yourself or someone else THINKS they were understood.

      • perdita

        That is generally how laws and customs work.

        Exactly. The customs and laws around marriage have changed and will continue to change. Insisting that they didn’t and don’t is not a valid reason to deny same-sex marriages.

    • vintango2k


      Eh Fred Phelps’ interpretation of the bible isn’t far removed from a few other posts on this site. He just chooses to use the word God’s hate instead of God’s judgement, it just happens to be less “PC” . I mean May do you think sugar coating your words makes them any less hateful? Just substitute the word gay for the word black and consider your thoughts and words a little more carefully.

  19. Schmader


    There are only so many ways to skin a cat and there are only so many ways to translate one language into another.

    Chris’s insistance that a person cannot trust the translation of the Bible and for that matter any translated book is a weak and baseless claim.

    I have read many books translated into English and I am confident that the translators were proficient in their ability to convey the author’s intent in English.

    • Reply

      I allow Chris’ comments through for information purposes only. No one should take him seriously. He does provide, however, good insight into a liberal’s perspective of the bible. That is, one who does not have the Holy Spirit to direct him in all truth.

      • vintango2k

        Really Steve, you want to play that game? What is your stance on the ‘He who is without sin cast the first stone’ and the ‘handling of poisonous snakes’ sections of the Bible? Why don’t THEY show up in the earliest copies of the Bible?

      • Look it up!

        I don’t think the poisonous snakes part is part of the legitimate text. Not too sure about the other one, but it does offer a valuable principle none the less.

      • Chris

        Steve wrote “I allow Chris’ comments through for information purposes only. No one should take him seriously. ”

        Really? Why exactly is that Steve? Because I actually have an understanding of these things and you don’t? Or is it that I’m giving arguments you can’t answer?

        Steve then went on to add “He does provide, however, good insight into a liberal’s perspective of the bible.”

        Steve, steve, steve. There is no such thing as a liberal, or an evangelical perspective, only an accurate or an inaccurate one. Don’t know much about the Bible do ya Steve?

        Steve finished with “That is, one who does not have the Holy Spirit to direct him in all truth.”

        you’re words drip with self-righteousness Steve. But I forgive you. Since I am only of “entertqainment” value to you I’ll head off.
        Be sure everyone to follow Steve’s lead and be dismissive of everyone that talks to you. 🙂

  20. Dr Chip


    Quote: “Christians are despised and rejected because the message that is typically shared in the gay community is full of venom and bile.”

    Let me preface this by saying your approach is in the right direction and I appreciate your compassion. I think that your heart is in the right place and you have the best of intentions.

    My fear is that you are automatically assuming that they hate Christians, when many of them are themselves Christians. You are free to disagree with their path and I think that we were given a free will so that we can pursue our relationship with God in different ways. But they are free to choose their own path and allow the spirit to guide them.

    Some Christians pursue their relationship with God, in part, by going to church on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Others pursue their relationship with God, in part, by refraining from caffeine or television. Some pray to Mary, in addition to God through Christ, and consider her to be a virgin. Others are Baptized at an older age and do not believe that the Pope is infallible. Some don’t eat ham as commanded in Leviticus.

    My point is that we are all called to follow our maker in different ways and need to follow our consciences. I think we have all read passages in the bible that’s meanings, or our understanding, have evolved over time.

    I am struggling to find the value in seeking out a group of people who have commonly been rejected by their loved ones and mentally, emotionally and spiritually tortured, just so that you can hug them and then cram a spiritual dagger into their guts. There has to be a better way for your to manifest your gifts of the spirit, then interfering with theirs and creating wounds that weaken their faith confuse them.

    Maybe I am wrong, but my conscience would prevent me from taking your approach.

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