Okay. You’ve been reading about my evangelistic encounters, stories revolving around the use of Million-dollar bill Gospel tracts, and my latest venture into open-air preaching! Now I want to hear about your adventures.
What happened when you invaded pagan territory with the Gospel of Christ? Did people laugh you to scorn? Throw rocks at your person? Run away screaming? Call Security? Smack you about the head and shoulders? OR… Did they patiently listen, receive your gracious words kindly, and thank you?
Post your own E-vangie Tales in the comments section and I might post them here on the blog in the future!
This will be a weekly Friday feature!
Richard Chavarria
Celina Hidalgo
Makayla Hidalgo
Steve Sanchez
Shane Griffin
Bob Bennett
Renee Riker
Shari Paradiso
Richard Chavarria
Steve Sanchez
Robert Perry
Walter AKA: YBIC
Kristi Ioimo
Robert Perry
Dora Hidalgo
Dora Hidalgo
Dora Hidalgo
winnie the pooh
Sarah Catherall
Steve Sanchez