Mark this down on your hand or iPhone: In the course of sharing my faith for the last 6 1/2 years I have discovered this: It is easier not to share your faith everyday. It’s a struggle, a burden and a cross. If I stopped evangelizing for two days, three, or more, I would probably convince myself that I didn’t need to do it at all. In fact, I’d be a lot more respectable in my community, in Christendom and beyond.
Heresy you say? I’m just echoing the sentiments of John Wesley who felt the same way. As an experiment he chose to not talk about the things of God for two days unless he felt like it. He learned 3 things:
1. “That I spoke to none at all for [eighty] miles together; no not even to him who traveled with me in the [carriage, except for a few words as we started out];
2. “That I had no cross to bear or to take up, and commonly, in an hour or two, fell fast asleep;
3. “That I had much respect shown me wherever I came, everyone behaving to me as to a civil, good-natured gentleman.”
My conclusion? I will not quit The Everyday Club. How about you?
The Everyday Club is an opportunity for you to make an evangelistic commitment and report on it twelve times a year. (Minimum commitment: Hand out one tract a day.) I post each report at the beginning of each month and send you an email reminder.) Wanna join? You can sign up by clicking here
Paul Yanchek
Steve Sanchez
Chris Chumita
Thomas Moore
Wayne Dawg
Glenn Parker
Paul Latour
Jeff Reiman
Anthony Varon
Eric Stuckey
Steve Sanchez
robert moss
Amy B.
Bob Johnson