It’s hard to keep commitments, but it’s character-building to do so. I sometimes don’t want to fulfill my goal of handing out ten tracts a day or witnessing to at least one person a day, yet I must trudge on. For example:
I was leaving work very late one evening, about 10 PM, and hadn’t shared my faith all day, so I was just going to just shine it on, blow it off. Fuhgetaboutit. Tomorrow’s a new day, I’ll just chalk up a zero for Wednesday, I thought.
Then came another thought: What if the ten Gospel tracts I hand out at this late hour causes all of them to repent and put their trust in Jesus ? Then another thought: What if those ten people were the only people in my entire evangelistic experience that end up in Heaven?
I pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store and made my goal.
Hey—just a thought…
The Everyday Club gives you the opportunity to hold yourself accountable to whatever evangelistic goal that you have set for yourself, providing that it’s an everyday goal. Your goal can be to hand out one tract a day, or a thousand; it’s up to you! (You can join the 70+ others who have already signed up by clicking here!)
Please welcome and pray for the 12
new members that just joined up!!!
Steve Sanchez
Tony Miano
Paul Latour
Jeff Reiman
Richard Chavarria
Linda Martin
Steve Sanchez
tracy wagaman
Tom Burgee
Paul Yanchek
Rich Curry
Laura Caudill
Tom Nance-Ulrich
Todd Booth
Richard Chavarria
alfredo chavez
Kris Henry