The Corridor of Conversion

It was the last game of the college football season on Saturday at USC and we had a vision to reach tens of thousands of people with the message of the Gospel using just a handful of evangelists. The challenge was to get the fans to hear the the whole message of salvation as they walked briskly by, not just a snippet.

The image below is a narrow corridor about 20 feet across, where those thousands of sheep-like fans have to walk to get to the L.A. Coliseum where the game is to be played.

As game time neared and it became more crowded, I stood at the beginning of the corridor and simply said this: “If you were to die today where would you go, Heaven or Hell? You’ll find out in about a hundred feet as you enter The Corridor of Conversion!!!(I do like to have a little fun.)

By just asking that simple question I was blessed with many one-finger salutes, a few fists in the air pumped in my direction, and a lady who told me to take off my USC shirt because, I assume, I was a disgrace to the institution. I was also offered many beers. Still, the whole message was heard, including the Law and Gospel utilizing the rest of the team in a creative way.

How did we do it? What would you do with this rare opportunity of seeing a steady stream of  thousands of mostly pagan fans walking before you for well over an hour? How would you reach them with the entirety of the Gospel? Click here to see our strategy in Part 2!

Comments (4)

  1. Steve R


    Righteous Richard told me about this – he was pretty stoked – sounds amazing !!!

  2. Hugh McIlveen


    great stuff, i do not want to miss how you folk did this as i also do the work of an evangelist, so please email me with fridays answer please, God bless you guys in < name.

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