I caught up with “Ted the Atheist”, the subject of my YouTube video, “Why
Christians Don’t Argue With Atheists”, a few weeks back in Huntington Beach. I hadn’t seen him in the two years since I “interviewed” him and asked if he remembered my “chat” with him. “Yeah,” he replied. “You were a lot fatter then.”
My interview with Ted has now surpassed 300,000 viewings on YouTube. Not bad for an evangelistic presentation gone bad. Really bad. Still, during the course of my four minute fiasco with Ted I was able to explain the Gospel four times. You may be asking this: Why is this video getting so much exposure? I think it’s because unbelievers watch with jaws agape. After all, when I’m asked to show evidence for God, I tell Ted that I don’t have to show any evidence. It drives the pagan mind crazy! (See below the video for an example.)
Case in point: On the blog, “Dobbie’s Atheist Video List”, she writes,
This one’s rich. The Christian saying, “I’m telling you something but I don’t need any evidence behind it.” It’s an appeal to absolutism. It’s like it’s from an old Edward G. Robinson movie, “I’m the boss here, see. Yeah. This is Mugsy’s territory, yeah see. Period, see.”
Then what happens, I suppose, is that they post my video to their very own atheist sites where other atheists laugh and mock and jeer—then they in turn post it to their sites. And the cycle continues. (Don’t believe me? Google “Why Christians Don’t Argue With Atheists” and see for yourself.)
So, here again, making an encore performance, is my first-almost-third-of-a-million video! (See below for an atheist’s evaluation of what he saw.)
I had a few things to say regarding your video where you talk about your “way to win an argument with an atheist,” where you get into an argument with a man and go on about the “can we have 30 seconds to speak each?” and such.
Keep in mind while I’m saying this I don’t say it out of anger or any sense of meanness. But the video you made was ridiculous. That is your way of saying that’s how to win an argument with an atheist? Something you need to understand right now is that way in which you acted is not arguing.
All you did was simply cover your ears and keep spurting out the same thing about your beliefs over and over and over again and to you, that is how to win the argument. Something you need to understand and be thankful that the man in the video didn’t do, is that acting that way, truly and honestly, will eventually lead to you getting your head kicked in. You realize its behavior like this that has quite literally started massive wars right? Besides, with your holier then thou attitude, you’d think you wouldn’t need to bother with any of this in the first place.
I say that not as a threat but as advice, arguing is not saying the same thing over and over again and being thick headed and acting like a child, which is exactly what you did. You went on to say “just keep preaching the gospel regardless what they say” is quite literally childish behavior, that’s how 6- year-olds act to get their way. I say that in all seriousness. If you are an adult, the way to “argue” is to actually do what you said you would, which is give each other certain amounts of time to speak to make it fair.
I send this message in hopes that you will eventually grow up, and also as a warning, because if you keep going around to people and acting in that way, you will eventually find your way to someone who isn’t able to act calm and cool under your near constant preaching of arrogance and condescending behavior. And when you do find that person they will kick the living s— out of you.
If you think that you, or people in this day and age wouldn’t do that, I promise you they would. All the most major wars over the last thousand or so years have over “god disputes.” More people have been killed in the name of god then for any other reason I ASSURE you that is total fact. Don’t think that all people now are too big of a person to do something along those lines, keep up the arrogance and you will eventually find someone who busts your head open.
Careful pastor, the more you do what you did in that video, the more you number your very own days.
Joe St Francois
Steve L.
Thomas Moore
Ted The Atheist
Steve Sanchez