SermonCentral asks: “Is this effective preaching?”

NOTE TO READERS: This article from SermonCentral has been taken down from their site. Still, you can view the “controversial” video in question below this article.

SermonCentral bills itself as “…the world’s leader in sermon resources and research. We are dedicated to equipping pastors worldwide for excellence in preaching.”

Imagine my surprise when one of my videos was posted for discussion with this description:

There are crowds gathered in every city, every day. The question is: how to reach them?

Discussion Starter: Do you think street preaching is an effective way to get the Word out? Why or why not?


Twenty eight people commented (including me). Here are some of the comments:

“I wonder how many of the people walking by will think that he is from Westboro Baptist Church?”

“The world does not need a street preacher scaring them into thinking that they are going to hell. Most people who respond to that kind of gospel only go through the motions, because they are scared of going to hell. God wants people to trust Him because He is love and not because we think we would go to hell if we don’t trust Him. The world needs less street preachers telling them that their going to hell, and more preachers that live the truth.”

“Maybe we should ask William Booth (if he were still on earth) or The Salvation Army if street preaching is valid and if God blesses this ministry. The answer is yes! May God continue to bless those bold enough to proclaim the Gospel in public!”

I’d love to hear your opinions after watching the video yourself.

Comments (7)

  1. Steve L.


    I can’t believe some of these responses! These folks don’t realize that anytime the “truth of the gospel” is preached, the Holy Spirit is engaged in the process of drawing whom he will! (Jn. 6:44, Jn. 16:8)

    “Personally, I can’t justify going out looking for strangers to tell them about the Gospel if I’m not already sharing the Gospel with the people I actually do know!”

    Do those you hang around with know you’re a Christian??

    ” I’ve participated in door-to-door evangelism both as a layperson and as a pastor and I’ve never experienced much “success” either. I hate to admit it, but after 19 years as a pastor I’m still looking for an “effective” method.”

    Be faithful and quit worrying about success!!

    “I wonder how many of the people walking by will think that he is from Westboro Baptist Church?”

    Who cares????

    “The world does not need a street preacher scaring them into thinking that they are going to hell. God wants people to trust Him because He is love and not because we think we would go to hell if we don’t trust Him.”

    Spurgeon – ” Unconverted, unreconciled, unregenerate men and women, I am to COMPEL YOU TO COME IN. Permit me first of all to accost you in the highways of sin and tell you over again my errand.” Sermon #227

    “Christ isn’t just about salvation”

    He isn’t!!

    “The gospel is really not about heaven and hell.”

    Maybe it’s about prosperity!!

    And this guy got it right:
    “The Gospel is about the fact that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins to save us from hell. Yes–it’s about Jesus. But unless you make people understand they’re sinners in need of a savior, they see no difference between what Jesus did and what Budha did.”

  2. Orsie(Dodie) Carter


    The good news should be announced from the mountain top so everyone can hear.

  3. Rudy


    yes its effective. I heard a streetpreacher when I was not a Christian and it led me to receive Christ , my friends thought he was crazy. But I knew in my heart what he was saying was true.

  4. Warren Schacher


    Hi Steve. Excellent! I have used this quick Gospel message many times. Stop light preaching is great for the many who gather at the light waiting to cross. Thank you so much for the many ways to share the Gospel with love and compassion.

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