Put on your flak jackets, anti-aircraft baseball caps, and armor-piercing sunscreen because we are going to a real hotspot!
According to their website, A.N.S.W.E.R. LA is putting on a demonstration for this reason:
The thousands
who march will demand “From Iraq to Afghanistan to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime” and “We Need Jobs and Education, Not Wars and Occupation.” We will insist on an end to the war threats and economic sanctions against Iran. We will say no to the illegal U.S. program of detention and torture.
Regardless, we will be there preaching the gospel and handing out literature that talks about real peace, an enduring peace: peace with God!
Meet at Hope Chapel at 10AM to carpool or meet us where they will gather: Hollywood Blvd. & Vine St.(between Vine & Ivar). They will march to Hollywood & Highland Blvds. More info: [email protected]