“Richteous Richard” Chavarria celebrated one year of preaching at the DMV last Thursday, February 28. Here are the vital statistics according to his records: He preached a total of 75 times, passed out over 3,822 tracts and had over 2,275 hearers.
Richard took my very first evangelism class two years ago. Each week he sat at a different table so I wouldn’t recognize him, or call on him. The homework for the class was to hand out one Gospel tract a day, seven days a week for the entire duration of the class. He didn’t. He actually stuck his Million-Dollar Bill Gospel tracts in the glove compartment of his car… and left them there for two months, not handing out a single one!
Now he teaches me how to preach at the DMV!
(This is Richard’s license plate, by the way.)
Louie O.