Ray Comfort Thanks the Atheists

Here are a few rave YouTube reviews from atheists who watched this Thanksgiving video of my interview with Ray Comfort from last weekend at the Huntington Pier. We talked about the very successful “Origin of Species” book giveaway (with a special introduction by Ray Comfort) among other things.

From Taurus01979: “Couple of loons, belittling others and calling it “love,” and twisting things to benefit themselves.”

MrJohnnyrace: “These two idiots are their own worst enemy.”

*Now read “You might be an atheist fundamentalist if…” by clicking here!

**See my very own “Blasphemy Challenge” video by clicking here!

***Read how my then 8-year-old daughter put an atheist in his place here!

Comments (10)

  1. Nohm


    No offense to your daughter whatsoever, but I don’t see how she “put an atheist in his place” in that story that you link to.

    I can’t see how anyone would be surprised that an 8 year old would agree with her father’s beliefs over a stranger.

    Is this another example of your “humorous hyperbole”?

  2. BathTub


    Congratulations your video is the subject of “Why people laugh at creationists 31”

    Will you be linking to that one?

  3. Rhineway Aull


    Is this a joke? Seriously, do you want people to be ignorant? Evolution is a fact, period. Why does that in any way contradict the loving message of Jesus?

  4. Reply

    BathTub, Yes, I sent it to Ray. He liked it. So did I.

    And I have two 17-year-olds drafting a response to the video. I’m going for the big guns! 🙂

  5. BathTub


    I’m not sure what sort of response would be meaningful.

    The video essential boils down to this.

    Ray claims divine knowledge, he doesn’t believe, he knows!
    Enter The Banana Sketch.
    Ray Excuse 1. Oh I am being quoted out of context!

    Ray Excuse 2. Oh Actually I didn’t know Bananas were a bred from Plantains!

    Ray Excuse 3. Oh Actually it was a comedy routine all along. I just neglected to mention this fact the last 2 times I made an excuse for the routine. But don’t you dare question my claim to have divine knowledge that conflicts with reality.

    Where will Ray’s story go next? I suspect “It was meant to be a joke all along” will be the final resting place since there isn’t much lower he can go with it after that.

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