Fun w/ Millions: Disney Destinies

I take seriously the command from Jesus to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”—even when the creation is a character! There was a long line waiting to see Winnie, so I could only give him a million dollar bill gospel tract. I’m sure glad he didn’t pooh-pooh the salvation message…
To see some more 100 Acre Woods characters on the brink of eternity…

mini-vangie: Pier Rats

At the base of the Hermosa Pier during my “Hour of Power,” I had the opportunity to talk to about fifteen kids ranging in age from 14 to 24. They wore generation “Y” rebellion gear including the full range of tattoos, piercings, weird hair, scraggly beards and wild eyes. The pier is a regular haunt of theirs and I assume that their parents don’t care, or are never around to offer some supervision.null

I use an edgy approach when approaching groups like this, because I want to get their attention immediately before a new distraction competes with the gospel. After handing out my million dollar bill gospel tracts to break the ice, I asked one individual, “What would happen if you were sitting on your bike, fell over, cracked your head open, bled all over the cement, and when your friends came they slipped in your blood and were unable to help you, and then you died? Where would you go, Heaven or Hell?