Mature Street Preachers

Jim Edwards saw action in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam while serving in three different branches of the military; but his greatest battle was with the enemy of our souls—and fear itself. He overcame them both, along with his lovely wife Tran, standing “on the box” (actually a bench), for the very first time, to preach the Word of God publicly. And they just graduated my last evangelism class!

At 85  and 79 years of age respectively,  Jim and Tran live out what it means to be mature in the Lord: obeying their Commanding Officer to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Want to know how they started and what they preached? Click here to see the video; you can do this, too.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Moore


    Praise God!!! That is awesome to see a couple like that! It is awesome to see believers overcome! I am praying that for those in the body of Christ would overcome fears and preach the Biblical Gospel. I pray that for myself as well.


  2. Richard Chavarria


    There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end leads to death.

    Death will come upon us all. And if we have not repented and believed the Gospel, Jesus said we would perish. Jesus, the man from Galilee. The son of a carpenter, the man who never wrote a verse, yet caused this sinner to cry out to him. Blessed are you who believe yet have not seen. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

    Why do you continue to love delusions and seek after false gods?

    Trust not in man, trust in the Lord and be saved.

    God bless the Edwards family. When I grow up I hope to be doing exactly what they did: proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying.

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