A few posts below there is a picture of George Whitefield’s preaching stool where he would stand when preaching to crowds numbering up to 20,000 in the open-air. But that was then, and this is now! Things have changed! Who needs to preach open-air when you can sit comfortably indoors?
On Valentine’s Day why preach sin when you can preach–self-esteem? Why preach about Judgment Day when you can preach about–joy? And why even mention Hell when you can shout Hallelujah? We all need a kinder, friendlier, Gospel of Love because it’s all about good feelings, great attendance and giving! So give! Give! GIVE! (Proverbs 30: 15a)
Who needs to get spit on and cursed and riled by the teeming unwashed masses in the open-air when you can enjoy comfy-couch Christianity inside your church arena–while waiting to move into your new stadium?
God indeed loves everyone… just the way they are–especially when their checkbooks are handy. (Mastercard & Visa accepted.)