I Can’t Stand You Anymore!

Now here’s an angry response from a person who doesn’t like the way I evangelize.
(To read other angry responses, see E-vangie Tales # 52

Steve, Can you take me off the [E-vangie Tales] list please?

Your stories make me sad for the most part. It seems that the “bull in the china shop approach” is what you think is right; when you’re not being effective for the Kingdom at all—it seems you’re “offending for the Kingdom.” You may think this is progress, but I know far too many who evangelize in a different fashion, who lead people to Christ regularly because they are sensitive to God’s Spirit as they share—and people are ministered to, or converted by them.

I think you might be wise to consider other means than “offending” people… People need Jesus badly, and He normally meets people right where they’re at—at their point of need, not in just bashing them. The Heaven and Hell question isn’t always relevant at a first meeting…but then, the Lord needs to speak to you about this. I will continue to pray that He will direct you in your passion to share about Him.
(Name withheld for discretion’s sake)

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  1. Mike


    Okay Steve so you offend people sometimes. You are a passionate person and you share with passion (and may be that is offensive to some). Not exactly my style, but it is an encouragement to me to remember how important it is to evangelize. I am grateful that you brought the simple use of the 10 Commandments in evangelizing to my attention and pointed out the Million Dollar Bill as a discussion starter.

    I have heard comments like this. My response is okay don’t use the method, but get out there and evangelize.

    Steve, please continue to post your experiences. I truly enjoy reading them.

    Mike …

  2. Jessica


    Hmmm….i think anyone who has seen Steve in action has been highly motivated by his passion and commitment. I know i have! I’ve only gone evanglising with him once, but after that it was enough to wake me up and share the Good News with my neighborhood. He’s inspiring!
    As for this letter, i totally respect the writer of it and his/her viewpoint. The way Steve shares his faith is not for everyone. He is a VERY outgoing, outspoken, and extroverted and obviously not everyone is like that. But the point is, is that he is trying his very best, pushing past his fears and he IS making a difference for Christ. I guess in the end, it’s all about pleasing God and not your fellow man.
    I read a quote in Christianity Today–
    “A lot of people are going to hell, unoffended.”

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