FOUNDations: A. W. Pink

“It is true that many are praying for world-wide revival, but it would be more timely and more Scriptural of a prayer to be made to the Lord of the harvest that he would raise up and thrust forth laborers who would fearlessly and faithfully preach those truths which are calculated to bring about a revival.”

Brief bio:

Pink was born in England on April 1, 1886 of godly parents. In 1892 when C. H. Spurgeon died, Pink was a boy of six and standing in the wings to become molded by God to, in the last years of his life, become a prolific writer, whose writings are more sought after now than ever before. He was a pastor in Scotland, USA, Australia and England, but there is little doubt that his calling was to the “ready pen.” He was well educated and spent a short time at Moody College, married a southern girl named Vera and had no children. His writings are unique in that they are to the point, no nonsense, Scriptural and written in a style easily understood. His monthly magazine “Studies in the Scriptures” is still available and his other writings are to be greatly desired. He died in Stornaway, in the Outer Hebrides, on July 15, 1952.

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