Evangelism Schedule: 3rd St. Promenade

Did you know there is a raised pulpit at the beginning of the 3rd Street Promenade right in front of the entrance to the Santa Monica Place mall? Yes there is! And Dennis Liebregt, husband of Ambassadors’ Alliance Lady Mentor Rachael, used it to preach a powerful minute sermon. To get over his fear and lack of confidence he’s been pushing himself to do more open air preaching. So give a big hand to our latest stop light preacher. Take it away Dennis…. (Please forgive the shaky camera work as I’m getting used to filming with our new Flip Video camera.)

We will once again join Tony Miano and the Third Street Heralds for a rousing good time preaching the Word in the open air, through one-to-one conversations and by handing out tracts. Meet at Hope Chapel at 10am to carpool, or meet at the Promenade at Johnny Rockets at 11am.

Comments (3)

  1. Davy


    uuurrrggghhhhhhhh…never thought i would ever see my brother doing something like this…never. I blame global warming.

  2. Kai


    Hope Chapel was named as a meeting place. The same one in Hollywood with food ministry???

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