DO IT IN THE MORNING—The Poke-in-the-Eye Devotional, 1/10/24

THE ONLY WAY ANYONE CAN TRUST GOD with all their heart is to be deliberate and disciplined in their devotions to Jesus.

Morning is best.

Yes, you can have your Quiet Time in the evening, after work, when you’re too tired, after you’ve put the kids to bed, exhausted, and after spending time with your spouse.

Then collapse into bed, read half a Proverb, and fall asleep.

No! Do it first thing.



For 33+ years it has proven absolutely true.

It’s in the context worrying. But we serve a God who commands us not to worry because he is our Father and knows what we need.

This is why we must seek him first for the rest of our lives.

It starts with spending the best part of the day with him: the morning. Make that commitment and soon you will have the confidence to say that Jesus is your everything.

Every day. This: Bible reading. Prayer. Meditation. Time with your Savior. Quality time will become quantity time.