Witnessing to Homosexuals and Others: Gay and the Gospel
I love the gay community. So much so, I want them to hear the Gospel. Here’s a compilation of many encounters I’ve had with these people. I’m featuring a few past posts demonstrating how I, as a Christian man and evangelist, have dealt with our gay, lesbian, transgender, and bi-sexual friends. The Shepherd of Brokeback
Tragedy at the Gay Pride Parade
I was not able to attend the yearly Long Beach Gay Pride Parade with our evangelism team due to other commitments, so a faithful team leader, Tom Nance-Ulrich, took over
the demanding job.
Every year, it’s a battle. Every year intrepid Seed Sowers must venture into a community that hates fundamentalist Christians, especially the preaching kind. (Read last year’s report from the West Hollywood Gay Pride report for proof by clicking here.)
It was Sunday morning, and I was at our church’s Men’s Retreat in the mountains, far from Long Beach, Sodom-by-the-Sea. I stopped to pray for the upcoming event under the shade of a magnificent pine and afterward looked up into the brilliant sunlight filtering through the needles. How would Tom and the team fare on this day? I trusted that God would see them through.
His response was wrenching. I had only gotten this type of answer on one previous occasion. I was crushed. I worried for Tom. I felt his pain. Would Tom ever be the same again? Will he continue to trust God with the outcome of future adventures, no matter how disillusioning?
I took a deep breath and glanced one more time at his message. This is what it said:
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